All the previous LOTR Dios were sub-titled: "The Crack of Doom" was sub-titled Frodo and Gollum, "The Walls of Helms Deep" was subtitled Aragorn vs. Uruk-Hai, "The Treachery of Saruman" was Gandalf vs. Saruman, "Dark Counsel" was Grima and Theoden, "Battle Above the Black Gates" was subtitled Fell Beast vs. Gwahiir, and "The Duel of Light and Fire" was subtitled Gandalf vs. the Balrog. In keeping with form, "The Shades of Mordor" dio would have to be the Nazgul/Ringwraiths vs. something...there has been some speculation on this thread that the other three hobbits may be in it, or even Aragorn...but to make it screen accurate, that wouldn't be possible as Aragorn did not appear until after Frodo had already put on and taken off the One Ring. The other hobbits could be in it, off to the side as they were thrown by the Nazgul after they attempted to defend Frodo. My guess is that "The Shades of Mordor" will be subtitled Ringwraiths (or Nazgul) and Frodo, with the regular edition having another sculpt of Frodo (perhaps translucent)?
I guess we will see in a few hours.