I did finally see this on IMAX last night (can't wait for the fully cropped home release
) and did think it was quite fun. I browsed some of the reviews here and agree with jye. Much better than Mortal Kombat, Mulan, and Black Panther but pales compared to Crouching Tiger or IW/EG. It really felt like it would have been right at home in 2014 since some of it reminded me of both TWS and GOTG. Absolutely jaw dropping visuals (those dragons!!) which will be all but ruined when 33% of the image is cropped at home.
One thing that I was a complete idiot about was watching Tony Leung in all the flashback scenes. I kept thinking wow they really made no effort to have his age match the flashback until he called the old dude "young man." Then I was like oh **** he's freaking immortal, way to follow the plot Khev they only mentioned that like 50 times.
Anyway I actually don't mind including this in the Infinity Saga canon but man I really am getting quite numb to save the world/universe plots. So the one dragon was seconds from swallowing the other dragon's soul and conquering the world. Ho hum, lol.
Eternals trailer looked even worse on IMAX, lol.