I just got my Machiko today and she's awesome. I love her, but I got to say, and lets be truthful here, the other Predators in her clan H-A-T-E her.
She's like their little sister, Lulu, they are forced to take out with them every halloween by their clan leader every time they go hunting.
They're in a bar, trying to pick up chicks "Yeah, I'm an awesome hunter" one will say, trying to impress a date. "Look at these skulls I wear on my neck of the things I killed!" and there will be all these fearsome skulls on there.
"So am I!" Lulu squeals excitedly, pointing to her necklace Hottoys gave her made up of tiny possums, racoons, rabbits, and ferrets.
"get lost" big brother will say.
"And I also killed a Queen! Tee hee! Did you, big bro?"
Big Bro goes home alone again.
And you KNOW it's not like they had weapons her size to give her, so one of the Preds had to make them for her, and if you look at the figure, you can see he was totally making fun of her, because Machikos gun to wayyyy to small even for a regular human sized gun compared to what the Preds wear. To be a jerk he seems to have made her a little "girlie-gun". Same with her throwing blade. Looks too small for a regular human to carry comparatively, so it looks like Mr. Fecetious also made her a itty-bitty girlie sized throwing blade. Only she thought it looked CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE! (laugh).
I'm not knocking it, I love her. I do find it odd how they realllly girlied her trad Pred weapons up though super hello-kitty-sized small though.