Freaked Out
Good The Mike. Are you a football enthusiast? Because I know that the term is used by QBs to their lineman to alert them about a blitzing linebacker fore the snap of the ball.
Yep that's him. His chin alone could star as Captain America.
Well, just because he's bald doesn't make Patrick Stewart a Professor X. As I said, Patrick Stewart doesn't come across as a psychic at all. I've met a lot of psychics, been to a psychic school, and I've seen even more psychics, so I know what a psychic should come across like. Yes, Patrick Stewart is a great actor who can play a great leader, but he's no psychic. Professor X is supposed to be the world's greatest psychic. Patrick Stewart Professor X? No sale. I would like Professor X to be as much like the one on the X-Men animated series as possible. That character with that voice is believable. Admittedly, Professor X is a tough character to cast. Perhaps an Unknown would have been better. When I see a character on screen, I want to see THAT character. I DON'T want to see X famous actor PLAYING that character. Spider-Man had GREAT casting. Tobey Maguire, great. Willem Dafoe, outstanding, the girl playing Betty Brandt, outstanding, the guy playing Robbie, outstanding, Aunt May, outstanding, Cliff Robertson as Uncle Ben, outstanding, J Jonah Jameson, awesome! ( He was the best. It just doesn't get any better than him.) Kirsten Dunst was just ok. Very likable, but didn't really seem like Mary Jane to me.
Torchwood star in meetings over taking on Captain America role
ACTOR John Barrowman, best known as Captain Jack Harkness in Doctor Who sci-fi spin-off Torchwood, has admitted he's been in talks and meetings over another captain role - the Marvel Comics' patriotic supersoldier Captain America.
Barrowman, 41, who's also a stage actor, TV presenter and a talent show judge, spoke about the role at the San Diego Comic-Con event in the USA.
Superhero Hype reports that he was asked about the Captain America role, and said he'd love to play the character and that Captain America has always been his favorite comic book superhero. The question did not take him by surprise and he ended up admitting there had been discussions with his agents and meetings about the movie project.
The film adaptation of the character - The First Avenger: Captain America - is scheduled for release in May 6, 2011. The hero would then appear in the Avengers team-up movie out in July that year.
Barrowman was born in Scotland, lived in America for more than 20 years, and now resides in the UK with his civil partner Scott Gill.
Even though there is already a Captain America thread, the actor is the lead for casting since no other actor has admitted to talks is Scottish.....
he looks like tom cruise.
......Well, that's because Magneto was the bad guy, and people don't usually go to the movies because they like the bad guy. The reality is that Captain America is Mr. Red White And Blue, the Sentinel Of Liberty, and practically a symbol of National Pride. A lot of people would never tolerate a gay actor playing Captain America if they ever found out. There would be a public uproar, and people would boycott the film, and it would get a lot of negative publicity. Considering how much money a Captain America movie would take, it would be really inadvisable to cast a gay actor in such a role.
A lot of people would feel that the fact that an actor is gay that he automatically could not do justice to the part of a quintessential American icon, whether he is a great actor or not. Because he is so liberal, you could have a gay man play Green Arrow, but I don't think that a gay Captain America, or a Superman would be accepted by all. I think Ryan Reynolds would be a better choice. I think that people tend to be underestimating how extremely conservative super patriotic people can be when it comes to American Icons. American icons represent the country as a whole, and since gay marriage is still illegal in 49 states, a gay man playing Cap won't be extremely popular. It isn't like it's coffeehouse theater, you know.
Michael Ironside would make an ok Red Skull.
Actors in repeat roles of the Marvel Universe isn't unheard of. Ryan Reynolds is playing Deadpool but also played Hannibal King in Blade: Trinty. Wesley Snipes played Blade and before his legal troubles was trying to fast track a Black Panther film with him in the starring role. All signed off by Marvel BTW.
Torchwood star in meetings over taking on Captain America role
ACTOR John Barrowman, best known as Captain Jack Harkness in Doctor Who sci-fi spin-off Torchwood, has admitted he's been in talks and meetings over another captain role - the Marvel Comics' patriotic supersoldier Captain America.
Barrowman, 41, who's also a stage actor, TV presenter and a talent show judge, spoke about the role at the San Diego Comic-Con event.....
I am. Indianapolis Colts Number #1!!! Although in all honesty, the term "fasttracked" has become such a part of the Hollywood lexicon to indicate a production which is being pushed through various stages of approval without the usual time constraints in order to meet a deadline usually the Summer or Holiday Season that I use it without really thinking.
For the love of....... Please no
This guy goes on and on about his sexuality to the point that I want to say to him "Look mate it's 2008 nobody cares anymore what you get up to.
What about the Guy who plays Apollo, Leland joseph Adama from Battlestar Galactica....
I think that being open about one's sexuality, whether homosexual or heterosexual, should be beside the point. My question would be whether or not Barrowman can act.
I think you miss my point
Sir Ian Mackellen is an open gay man and one of my favourite actors.
Can Barrowman act? He is ok but Captain Jack is really just an extension of Barrowman's own personality. There is being open and there's being overtly open to the point that I can't see him pulling off the role.
How do see Barrowman's personal life getting in the way of his portrayal of Captain America? Not trying to be smart here. I am just curious. I have never seen Torchwood and you make a valid point in suggesting that Barrowman like many an actor don't "act" but more or less play a stylized version of himself. For me Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman come to mind as the worst offenders of this kind of acting. Not necessarily a bad thing in some cases but not what I would like to see in a portrayal of Captain America.
How do see Barrowman's personal life getting in the way of his portrayal of Captain America? Not trying to be smart here. I am just curious. I have never seen Torchwood and you make a valid point in suggesting that Barrowman like many an actor don't "act" but more or less play a stylized version of himself. For me Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman come to mind as the worst offenders of this kind of acting. Not necessarily a bad thing in some cases but not what I would like to see in a portrayal of Captain America.