Should the Knights of Ren have been Snoke's guards?

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Should the Knights of Ren have been Snoke's guards?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 8 47.1%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Don't care

    Votes: 9 52.9%

  • Total voters
The canon comics (which you're free to disregard ;) )

Which I do only because the films do. ;)

So Ben, who wants to be Vader and so obeys Snoke, names himself after some *other* dude that was nothing to do with either? And the knights that obey him alone are also the "knights of" that other guy? GTFO, lol.
Holy crap that comic book is awful, it retcons like 3 different things! :rotfl

So, not only did they exist BEFORE “Kylo Ren” was a thing, they swerve the comic readers where those students who left weren’t part of the KOR.

Now, instead of being a pretend Sith, Kylo is part of same rinky dink cult? :lol. Why didn’t Papa Palps use them too???

They kind of stole that from The Walkind Dead too, with the whole Lucille vibe going on.
Ha ha, I love your good-natured troll acting like the answer on screen wasn't clear. Always the comedian ajp. :duff


In all seriousness do you have a quote of JJ saying that he "never wanted them to be Luke's pupils?"

This is one quote that was used in multiple articles where he mentions ideas for their backstory that TLJ didn't touch upon (not dealing with them at all, actually, in his mind):

"They?re characters that, when we came up with them in Force Awakens and had very brief sighting of them, it was something that we had a lot of ideas of sort of further adventures with them, backstory, you know, and all sorts of things that were not the focus of the central story, and never made it into the movie," he said. "And Episode VIII, The Last Jedi, didn?t address that, at all, and it just allowed for us to bring them back in."

But I'm pretty sure that there's something more specific. I'll hunt it down.
It's funny my tastes really shifted in the 90's to all those alternative/folksy bands like Dave Matthews, Toad the Wet Sprocket, BNL, Counting Grows and all those guys (never got caught up in the Hootie craze though) but now the only CD's I have in my car are all back to the rock I listened to prior to that. Johnny Cash, Queen, GNR, Poison, etc.

The ones I highlighted are not helping your case. :lol Good thing you distanced yourself from Hootie - that would have been a bridge too far. Akin to saying Jar Jar is your favorite SW character. I'd hate to see you get banned. :wink1:

Wait, you still play CDs in your car? You know it's 2020, right?
It's funny my tastes really shifted in the 90's to all those alternative/folksy bands like Dave Matthews, Toad the Wet Sprocket, BNL, Counting Grows and all those guys (never got caught up in the Hootie craze though) but now the only CD's I have in my car are all back to the rock I listened to prior to that. Johnny Cash, Queen, GNR, Poison, etc.
I listen to mostly 80's stuff with select 90's and some more current songs sprinkled in. And below is my fondest memory of The Dave Matthews Band...

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I listen to mostly 80's stuff with select 90's and some more current songs sprinkled in.

Yeah I'd say that's about me too. I've never been one of those "my music defines me and I list my favorite bands as a badge of honor" type people. If something has a catchy chorus and/or beat I tend to like it, regardless of era or genre.

Gross, lol.
Darth Maul eh. Didn't he open for these guys?

They're henchmen. What "story purpose" were they supposed to have other than doing the bidding of their master and looking cool while doing it?

I voted "don't care" and the above statement is exactly how I feel... SW is filled with cool looking characters that I don't need to know anything about Royal Guards, Bounty Hunters, Pickled node spies and Gonk droids :lol

I cant stress enough how little of an impact those characters had on me.

Of course they appeared in TFA and I was less then impressed with tat film when it came out so perhaps that is why I have so little interest in who there are and where they come from.. I just figured they are assassins who Kylo became a part of on his journey... Im fine with them being Luke's Ex students also. They are best at being fodder for Kylo :)

So you have poor taste in music too? ;)

Hey, a breakthrough - something we agree on! :lol

Sorry, Khev!

Yep we can all agree here :lol ;)

It's funny my tastes really shifted in the 90's to all those alternative/folksy bands like Dave Matthews, Toad the Wet Sprocket, BNL, Counting Grows and all those guys (never got caught up in the Hootie craze though) but now the only CD's I have in my car are all back to the rock I listened to prior to that. Johnny Cash, Queen, GNR, Poison, etc.

That's better...

Its Van Halen, Alice Cooper, Extreme (Yes the more than words band :lol ) Volbeat, Metallica, Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Disciple, and Dream Theater for me.
I guess my affinity for the KoR is akin to my "ok genXer" affinity for Boba Fett.

Stood around looking cool? Check.
Cool looking ship? Check.
Caught a Falcon crew member? Check.

I'd argue that they die better.
Unclear if they actually collared Chewbacca or just called the Stormtroopers, which would put them on equal dimedropper ground as Fett.

They do suffer for being subordinate to an emo poser cosplay Vader. But I can easily headcanon that they were just waiting for the opportunity to shank him.

So there you have it. KoR = exactly as cool as Boba Fett. True story, write it down. :lol
I'm surprised that George didn't have Temuera Morrison say that when re-recording the dialogue.

But either way yeah as SW henchmen the KOR are way up there. I love it how it's okay for most of the OT bad guys to just stand around looking cool or maybe pressing a random button here and there but having the KOR successfully track the heroes, capture one of them, and beat up one of the main characters before all dying in battle is SUCH A WASTE AND PROOF OF JJ/KK's INCOMPETENCE, lol. :lol :duh
But either way yeah as SW henchmen the KOR are way up there. I love it how it's okay for most of the OT bad guys to just stand around looking cool or maybe pressing a random button here and there but having the KOR successfully track the heroes, capture one of them, and beat up one of the main characters before all dying in battle is SUCH A WASTE AND PROOF OF JJ/KK's INCOMPETENCE, lol. :lol :duh

I don't think anyone is saying that the KOR being nothing more than henchmen is evidence of filmmaker incompetence. JJ has every right to take his characters in whichever direction he wants. But the *subjective* question is whether or not the KOR could've been more integral to the story.

When a key villain (Kylo) is introduced in the first movie as "leader of the Knights of Ren," and the second movie hints that those Knights were Luke's former students, it's natural to wonder whether or not doing more with the KOR would've made for a better story. Seems to me like a justifiable subject for difference of opinion considering that satisfaction with the film varies from fan to fan.

What I find funny is the suggestion that there wouldn't be enough time or opportunity to develop the KOR in TROS. Introducing Zorii Bliss - from scratch - and giving her a backstory connection to an existing character, while also introducing Jannah and giving her a backstory and role, was clearly possible. And that's fine. But acting like some fans here are nuts for merely suggesting that more should've been done with the previously much-discussed KOR instead is just bizarre, IMO.
Knights of Ren to me are very much like the bounty hunters in Empire. You don't need a complete backstory to know they have certain skills. Boba Fett never really does much and has a stupid death scene and people worship him.
When a key villain (Kylo) is introduced in the first movie as "leader of the Knights of Ren," and the second movie hints that those Knights were Luke's former students, it's natural to wonder

Yeah wondering is fine. That's part of the fun of SW and harkens back to 1977 when Vader was called "Dark Lord of the Sith" and then no Sith that he was actually a lord of ever appeared.


But crying foul over the the ST not spelling everything out is just a silly double standard.

Knights of Ren to me are very much like the bounty hunters in Empire. You don't need a complete backstory to know they have certain skills. Boba Fett never really does much and has a stupid death scene and people worship him.
