Once I get home I'll post new pictures and a quick summary.
I'm getting tempted to do a custom, but I don't know of what exactly.
Looking at a skull brothers cowboy hat for wolvie but not sure if it will fit over his hair. Looks like the figure it goes on is just a skull. Would anybody have a clue if it would fit?
here's my custom Logan, I still want try some different shirts like a yellow plaid, and maybe just a white a-shirt.
Thanks Cofphoto for the tips on the claw/hand mod btw!
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I am looking for jeans for the ( last standing Wolverine and the origins jeans did not fit) what jeans did you use and how did you get the hand/claws to fit
Thank you very much in advance
Yupe....I use both my custom wolvie with this type "fake" origin HS. On page 20 & 21 I made my army wolverines. In the beginning of the pages I am sure our friends here still using original Hottys Origin wolverine head. I am satisfied with my customs tough.Does anybody have this sculpt: https://www.ebay.com/itm/221364697733
Does the paint look that good in person?
Origins did not fit? Why is that? What TTM are you planning to use? claws would be custom and ebay got it. Careful, there are 2 types of claws: movies (more straight shape like Hottoys) & comic (wider and longer). I love comic version because it is more brutal when you put them. Any jeans would do but just careful not to use Barney's or other huge TTM jeans because they tend to be taller.
Yupe....I use both my custom wolvie with this type "fake" origin HS. On page 20 & 21 I made my army wolverines. In the beginning of the pages I am sure our friends here still using original Hottys Origin wolverine head. I am satisfied with my customs tough.
The difference on the custom: the painting would be lighter, the details would be not too solid, beard lesser, and less wrinkles (no doubt the original still the best and look beastly) but for custom, it will do just fine on your figure if you buy "fake" wolverine origin head because I believe it is very hard to find original head and if you do, the price will be insane.
Good luck!
I'm also loving all the lumberjack Wolverines on here. IMO it's among Wolverine's most iconic civvie look. Kudos, guys!