It's frustrating that I haven't been able to capture on camera what I see on the shelf.
The awful orange pictures make it look soft and blandly painted, like an old Hasbro head. On the shelf this one has depth, life and an intensity. Far more so than I ever saw in photos of HT's original.
This was probably the best I could capture close up - holding him with a pair of grips in the window!
This one shows definition in the face:
And this one a comparison to VTS/DAM in terms of colouring:
I've been buying Hot Toys' figures since the DX01, and since then have become fussier over quality and appearance.
I sold off a large number of older figures that I could no longer bear to put on display, and there are others boxed up the in the attic that might one day be retrieved from the brink with better head sculpts.
Yet this knock-off Wolverine stands proudly!