Do you mind showing off a few poses? I'm curious, since you rarely see a Devito Penguin custom.
No problem! I have never taken him apart, but he seems to use a regular 1/6 body with the legs cut off just below the knee. The high boots are glued directly to the shins. The head and hair are one piece and do not have any movement. To obtain the correct body shape, he uses foam rubber around the torso and upper arms. I have to use a stand with him because he is just too darn top-heavy.
Yeah, I've got one of Ironcrosshunter's Ra's al Ghul's as well. Yours looks like he has a better paintjob on the sculpt then mine, though
It's a pretty good figure. My only complaint is its leg and feet. The leg joints at the hip are loose, there doesn't seem to be any knee articulation, and the boots are stiff, so there's no ankle articulation either. That makes it pretty much impossible to get him to stand up by himself for very long, without a stand holding him up.
Maybe one day I'll be courageous enough to strip him and put it all on a brand new Truetype.
I've thought about making a Ninja Bruce Wayne with the same kind of armor, but his prices are a bit too high, unfortunately.