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I didn't think Dave posted photos. Never knew he had a Keaton. \o/

My photos have appeared on the home page!

holy s__t! dave, that's awesome! totally kickass! you gotta post more pics of the figures u got. (what keaton batman is that?)

The 89 Batman is a Sovereign I think. The Keaton Wayne I think is made by the same group that did the Nicholson Joker.
dave, i just noticed that the dx batman is totally spacing out there. everyone else is looking at the camera, and he's angrily focused off screen :lol still awesome looking nonetheless.
my 2 batman shelves:



obviously, the jail joker's leg isn't that long, the 2 photos just dont overlap correctly :lol
Quick question... Who makes that batman? I would love to have one!

Darth, yeah it's pretty much sold out :D only 10 pieces made.

Ave got #1, i have #3.

dude named Moonlyte (Andre) made this.. he's a fellow Filipino, sculptor to the max! :chew

here are some pics of mine. and Andre used this as a photo reference:







sorry for the poor quality of pics :banghead
it truly is breath-taking. i would have never used a word like that for a piece of collectible but words are not enough. i'm just sorry i'm a cheap skate to buy a nice SLR :D
After I get my Freeman head, Gordon head, and Alfred head I'll be posting up my ENTIRE Batman collection. Should be doing that with in the next few weeks.
I still haven't done the whole collection pic yet, but I still love this thread.

I need to take a couple things out of storage to do a complete pic... and , well I'm a procrastinator. :eek:
Void. I dont want to see your collection. Unless it's in the sales thread. Then I definitely want to see it. Especially your bat signal, interrogation room, and a few others. Because if I see it here I'll just want to find your address (wish I had kept it lol) and come help myself to your collection. Your collection is way too impressive to not be jealous of. LOL
Void. I dont want to see your collection. Unless it's in the sales thread. Then I definitely want to see it. Especially your bat signal, interrogation room, and a few others. Because if I see it here I'll just want to find your address (wish I had kept it lol) and come help myself to your collection. Your collection is way too impressive to not be jealous of. LOL


Well at least I know I'll have a buyer if I ever get bored of it (I highly doubt I would...but just sayin').
I hope you get bored with it very very soon. Lets say maybe in a few months. I'll give you my first born for it hows that.
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this is most of mine. Really poor lighting, I know.
Darth, yeah it's pretty much sold out :D only 10 pieces made.

Ave got #1, i have #3.

dude named Moonlyte (Andre) made this.. he's a fellow Filipino, sculptor to the max! :chew

Dang! I saw that piece and was dead set on buying one....guess not :(