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Not everyone is a poser like you Mag :lol
sorry couldn't resist.... hmm I think I have done this before.. deja-vu
my batman










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Great collection killerqueen! :clap

Love the Movie Masters stuff there. Nice comprehensive collection. I only knew about one of those thug figures! (I have the one second from the right.) Never seen that Bank Robber Joker figure before either.

Are any of those customs?

Really like these 2 customs. Really fantastic sculpt on the last one!
Impressive - easily the best Movie Masters TDK collection I've seen. You've got them all, and plenty of awesome customs too! (Though the pliers are a bit much...)

Are any of those customs?

Most of the clowns are customs, I think.

Really like these 2 customs. Really fantastic sculpt on the last one!

The Bank Manager is not a custom, but a very recently released figure - the TTL suit figures. Gonna grab one myself.
Do you have a link for this?

They're all over Ebay. Just search for "TTL suit."

There are four different kinds of suits (different color combinations of jackets, pants, shirts, etc.)

They run for about $70. I think the tailoring is supposed to be impressive, though I haven't gotten one myself yet. It comes with a TTL body and the headsculpt, which as you said, seems to be quite a nice one.
They're all over Ebay. Just search for "TTL suit."

There are four different kinds of suits (different color combinations of jackets, pants, shirts, etc.)

They run for about $70. I think the tailoring is supposed to be impressive, though I haven't gotten one myself yet. It comes with a TTL body and the headsculpt, which as you said, seems to be quite a nice one.

Thanks for that. "TTL suit" turned up a lot of cool stuff. :)

Looks like he's using this one:

Yeah. I prefer the white shirt one myself, but none of them are exactly screen accurate to the Bank Manager.

But who's going to know the difference, right?

nice, I'm currently trying to get a Walter Peck figure from the ghostbusters series so I can swap the head and make a Bruce Wayne custom. Peck's suit is very Bruce like, and much better than say Dent's suit. It has the vest and everything.

Also, where did you get that bag for Joker in disguise?

also also, can you post a close up of that crane?
here are all my HT's. with my favorites, the batmen.





i love posing the begins batman, i got a really awesome pose of him shooting the grapple gun way up above his head, but i didnt want to leave it like that for fear it may perma wrinkle the rubber. but definatly, these are my favorite toys...
thanks maglor. ill prolly put that arm of his down to his side later tonight so i dont wrinkle the rubber.
I think the arm rubber is pretty resilient. Most of the poses I've used long term have had a bent elbow.
I think the arm rubber is pretty resilient. Most of the poses I've used long term have had a bent elbow.

well thats good news, same with OC batman? or just DX.?

ill have to try it a few days at a time.

im changing the poses on all these guys just about everyday haha, really getting my moneys worth.