My Doggies. Suzy in the front 15 months, Mia in the back 16 years, yes, 16 years old.
She looks like she's doing really good!
Here's my Lou after his bath in this California heat.
He doesn't look too happy.

My Doggies. Suzy in the front 15 months, Mia in the back 16 years, yes, 16 years old.
Here's my Lou after his bath in this California heat.
Here's my Lou after his bath in this California heat.
Here's my Lou after his bath in this California heat.
awww. this thread is getting too sad with the pet loss stories. sorry guys
here's the latest of my kitty. she gets high on Catnip and then lays on her back and passes out. it's funny.
Very cute little kitten, Morbach!
a pic of the girlfriend and I's new kitten, Summer.