Sideshow 1/6 C-3PO

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It's a lot of downloading and then a bit of re-muxing if you want to reduce the cruft. No one needs so many audio tracks. :) The biggest issue I have is that there's a bunch of upscaled content and there's not likely to ever be a 1080p version of the Despecialized.

My understanding is the eventual Harmy 3.0 will be based in part from TeamNegative's 35mm 4K transfers (pending their scratch removal). Harmy will have all of the grain removal and steps to look like a modern digital release, TeamNegative is more of a preservationist approach with minimal corrections and keeping the "film look".
The OT Special Editions started it in Theaters in 96ish. I was so excited to see them in theaters, and the changes pissed me off so bad and I was 8 then. Jabba has always been my favorite villian. I always related him with my grandfather. Large and in charge with a deep and commanding voice. Seeing him in ANH threw me off so bad. The stepping on the tail sequence to me at 8, was a weird moment. I knew Jabba wanted them dead in ROTJ but I knew he had a special grievance with Han. So, at 8, I wondered how a man that would but money out to bounty hunters wouldn't have ended a deal right there when Han walked all over him. Now, I didn't know then that a head hunter knew if a man was good for his money. Now I know Han was. Then the extra scenes in Tattooine, and added beasts... The only cool soecial addition add in was the Death Star Blast and the Wampa. **** everything else.

But those special editions left a bitter taste in my mouth then TPM made me realize it was **** I was tasting. A hot wad of Bantha Fodder! I never saw EPS 2 or 3 in theaters, and to this day, I haven't watched EPS 3 all the way through. Which is big, because I consider myself a huge Star Wars fan, as do my friends. I love The Clone Wars, I watch Rebels with my kids and we all love them. But those ****ing prequels. I'm not on the "Raped my childhood" bandwagon, mainly because GL was responsable for making my childhood great up to 1999. I had the OT on VHS. Unfortunately those VHS tapes were thrown out in a box with old copies of 1997-1999 episodes of Raw and Nitro. That was a sad day when I realized those were gone.

But my hope... My New Hope, is Disney will please the masses and release the OT uncut, the original theatrical releases on DVD. I would literally cry. That was the bases of my adolescence. That, and I want the next few Star Wars films to rock hard.

You make some very valid points here. I also hated the special edition ot, taking the puppets out of jabbas palace and using cgi killed that whole sequence for me. And the A New Hope scene in the hanger is just ordinary to say the least. Lucky for me, my parents taped the original movies off of tv on vhs ( when was the last time star wars was on tv these days?)
And when my mum did a massive clearout of all the vhs we had stored, i knew these had to stay. They even have those label things that you could punch out the letters on a continuous plastic ribbon, and then stick it on the video.
And just recently i was asked if i was interested in some licensed vhs releases of the OT. Whats the harm in preserving these movies as they should of stayed, awesome and unaltered?
So i said ok, and now i have two copies of the OT as they were first realised to keep the special edition far from my mind.
Hope ep7 makes us forget about the prequels too, and is every bit the star wars movie we should have got back in the day
Fixed that right up for you. ;)

:lol Even though I'm not a huge fan of the prequels, I have to admit that I would rather pick up a Count Dooku figure long before any ewok.

I didn't like AOTC but a figure of Threepio from it would be cool to show his origins. It's hardly in Jar Jar territory.

I think it's the fact that Lucas tried to tie everything together (Anakin building 3PO) that really makes me resent this rendition of the droid. It's like what he did with R2 being able to rocket-fly in ridiculous scenes while having him just roll around in the original trilogy.

I definitely feel Jayrod88's pain.
What a desolate place this is.

Suddenly Artoo whistles, makes a sharp right turn and starts off in the direction of the rocky desert mesas. Threepio stops and yells at him.


Where are you going?

A stream of electronic noises pours forth from the small robot.


Well, I'm not going that way. It's much too rocky. This way is much easier.

Artoo counters with a long whistle.


What makes you think there are settlements over there?

Artoo continues to make beeping sounds.

When were we here before? I
have no memory of ever seeing
this place since my activation.

Artoo cuts loose with a long series of beeps.

My memory was WHAT?!?! Who would
do such a hobble thing? What did
I do to deserve such punishment?

Be honest, are you even reading the lines about Artoo's beeps?

I was built by Darth Vader!?!
That's the dumbest ******* thing
I've ever heard!!!

Artoo cuts loose with a fart sound. Some of his sounds are fartlike. It cracks me up.

If Darth Vader's home if over there
why would you head that way? Are you
stupid on top of being a liar?!?

Threepio gives the little robot a kick and starts off in the
direction of the vast dune sea.

And don't let me catch you following
me begging for help, because you
won't get it. Little Bastard.
You make some very valid points here. I also hated the special edition ot, taking the puppets out of jabbas palace and using cgi killed that whole sequence for me. And the A New Hope scene in the hanger is just ordinary to say the least. Lucky for me, my parents taped the original movies off of tv on vhs ( when was the last time star wars was on tv these days?)
And when my mum did a massive clearout of all the vhs we had stored, i knew these had to stay. They even have those label things that you could punch out the letters on a continuous plastic ribbon, and then stick it on the video.
And just recently i was asked if i was interested in some licensed vhs releases of the OT. Whats the harm in preserving these movies as they should of stayed, awesome and unaltered?
So i said ok, and now i have two copies of the OT as they were first realised to keep the special edition far from my mind.
Hope ep7 makes us forget about the prequels too, and is every bit the star wars movie we should have got back in the day

ROTJ did get the **** end of the stick. That Star Wars Rocks song... I loved the puppets. You knew they were puppets. But, there Aliens, not MTV Divas. However, Seeing Fett hit on the one dancer gave him more character. Too bad he was tossed into Tattooines ******* that now has a beak and tentacles. The Blu Rays draw my anger out even more with the addition of Sebulba in the Throne Room and Vader screaming No after eliminating Palpatine from the Death Star Royal Rumble.

I'm excited for 7. But, I've already been given my first WTF with 3P0's skateboard accedent red cast.
all of the grain removal and steps to look like a modern digital release

THIS is what I'm really hoping to see before I die.

I just can't get over how dated the visuals look, because of the grain and just the way things are shot. For a futuristic film, it just looks old-fashioned. That look is fine with something like The Godfather, because it's set in that era, but with Star Wars, that old grainy look doesn't do the film any favors.
The only changes that should be kept are MF taking of from Docking Bay, CG X-wings flying in, and the new Alderaan and DS explosions. The rest of the changes range between grating and "I just threw up a bit in my brain" bad.
The only changes that should be kept are MF taking of from Docking Bay, CG X-wings flying in, and the new Alderaan and DS explosions. The rest of the changes range between grating and "I just threw up a bit in my brain" bad.

Perhaps if they updated the CG on those, but the current versions just don't hold up nearly as well as they used to, and stand out way too much for my taste.

For me, the only thing I'd really retain are the better composite shots, where you no longer see the thick matte lines around the Rancor or where space outside the MF cockpit looks properly black-- stuff where they're just taking the original effects and integrating them into the movie a lot better. Which is exactly what Harmy kept as well, which is why I'm such a huge fan of his versions.
I understand most people don't like that Anakin built Threepio deal... but it was in his germinating and in his notes as early as the first film for Threepio's background.
Built on Affa, and assembled in a junk shop by a young boy. The original notes mentioning this were in the Hardcover edition of the Rinzler's Making of Star Wars.
I buy it. I think with creating the prequels, there where a lot more story problems than the 3PO Anakin deal.
I can live with all the silly explanations given in the prequels, the problem was how they were delivered, like everyone watching is a complete moron and needs a straight line drawn in bright pink crayon to connect the dots. We did actually see the previous movies, sigh.
But my hope... My New Hope, is Disney will please the masses and release the OT uncut, the original theatrical releases on DVD. I would literally cry. That was the bases of my adolescence. That, and I want the next few Star Wars films to rock hard.

The original unaltered movies were released on DVD in 2008. It was the re-release of the 2004 set with an added disc for each movie that contains the original versions. The original versions are not anamorphic but at least they are unaltered.

I do hope Disney will release the originals in bluray with better quality. I think we stand a better chance with Disney than Lucas (for Lucas it was personnal while Disney is a publicly traded company so they have to make as much money as possible). Even if Fox owns the distribution rights to ANH, I am sure they can come to an agreement with Disney, there is just way too much money to be made to ignore this.
For me, the only thing I'd really retain are the better composite shots, where you no longer see the thick matte lines around the Rancor or where space outside the MF cockpit looks properly black-- stuff where they're just taking the original effects and integrating them into the movie a lot better. Which is exactly what Harmy kept as well, which is why I'm such a huge fan of his versions.

Also good to get rid of the black cubes flying around the TIE fighters that became apparent once Star Wars hit TV.

The original notes mentioning this were in the Hardcover edition of the Rinzler's Making of Star Wars.

Why in the world would you trust anything that wasn't written back in the day when this actually began, meaning in the early to mid 1970's? Rinzler's work is from 2007. Plenty of time for Lucas to rewrite history, pick and choose his notes to keep and delete. Look what Constantine did with the Bible.
Why in the world would you trust anything that wasn't written back in the day

I don't believe any of this baloney at all either. I just started watching TPM earlier today with my son and it only takes a few seconds to know that the production is going to be bad. When you're a few lines into the initial crawl it's painfully obvious you're not going to be watching a Star Wars movie. We got as far as the trade federation landing in Naboo when my wife got home with my daughter and I gladly gave up on the TV. It was excruciatingly painful up to that point.

It's actually pretty interesting to compare the crawl text of the six existing movies, so I'm eager to see what they do with the seventh. The first three read like forms you might find at the DMV or the minimal instructions given with an income tax form. The original movies read like a fun space fantasy action/adventure introduction.

Sorry, the PT is not Star Wars. Not at all. Mankind would be better off if all evidence of it were wiped from out collective minds and history. Since that's not possible, let all three movies serve as painful reminders of the darkest moments in cinematic history, that should never be repeated again.
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I understand most people don't like that Anakin built Threepio deal... but it was in his germinating and in his notes as early as the first film for Threepio's background.
Built on Affa, and assembled in a junk shop by a young boy. The original notes mentioning this were in the Hardcover edition of the Rinzler's Making of Star Wars.
I buy it. I think with creating the prequels, there where a lot more story problems than the 3PO Anakin deal.

But was that "young boy" the young Darth Vader in those notes - or just any young boy?

It also didn't make any sense to me AT ALL that there are apparently many (thousands?) droids that are 100% physically identical to 3PO to the smallest detail (colors/finishes vary, nothing else does.) If he was a custom-built droid constructed in a junk shop, shouldn't he be unique, made from uniquely scavenged bits?
But was that "young boy" the young Darth Vader in those notes - or just any young boy?

It also didn't make any sense to me AT ALL that there are apparently many (thousands?) droids that are 100% physically identical to 3PO to the smallest detail (colors/finishes vary, nothing else does.) If he was a custom-built droid constructed in a junk shop, shouldn't he be unique, made from uniquely scavenged bits?

He was the prototype, and was so good he went into mass production after that :)
kinda like what ssc does, except the physically identical part :monkey3
He was the prototype, and was so good he went into mass production after that :)
kinda like what ssc does, except the physically identical part :monkey3

So little Ani got millions in royalties? Maybe that's what turned him to the dark side.


On the subject of Ani, this dude would have made bad-ass young adult Ani...

It also didn't make any sense to me AT ALL that there are apparently many (thousands?) droids that are 100% physically identical to 3PO to the smallest detail (colors/finishes vary, nothing else does.) If he was a custom-built droid constructed in a junk shop, shouldn't he be unique, made from uniquely scavenged bits?

Yeah it's pretty clear it was only done to have another "surprise twist", and to further establish what a smart little kid Anakin was. Even though, you know, it makes no real sense and there's nothing in the OT that even hints that 3PO had any kind of relationship to him.