Super Freak
People didn't freak out, Pixel just made so much out of it it just seemed like it 
Pixel? Echo... echo... echo...

Pixel? Echo... echo... echo...
Mine arrived OK and fortunately because of the good folks on this forum I knew to disconnect the outer pistons before moving the arms. Unfortunately one of the inner pistons was jammed in its slot so the connection snapped within the forearm. Given the rest of the figure is OK, I've decided to live with it rather than ask for a replacement and end up possibly with a worse one (the piston does stay in it's slot once posed). Such a bad, fragile design!
Nice job Tali with the eyes, but how does your punched out pupil stay in place? is the space so tight between eye grill and eye cover that it will just stay? Or will one eventually slide down a bit and give threepio a funny wonky look lolol
I love my pistons.![]()
I think the pistons on the Tama bother me less than the SSC Threepio thumbs. The corrected thumbs look much better but they still look a little weird,imo. Overall though I love the Sideshow figure.
I love sliding the pistons up and down.
I got a good chuckle outta that pic. Thanks Kuat. Han looks really good in that pic.
They're okay but you wouldn't have to twist my arm too much to get me to replace them (particularly 3PO) if better options were available.