Super Freak
Seems ok... not really sure what else you could give him.
I'd like the damaged shoulder better if they showed the severed arm to match.
Seems ok... not really sure what else you could give him.
You likey?
Definitely molded torso wires on rubber...
Almost makes me want to get a Tusken Raider. Almost...
Everything else aside, they make some nice presentation videos for their figures.
I kept telling Pixel (at least once anyway) that Tamashii's overized pistons were necessary for structural integrity, and that Sideshow's wouldn't possibly function being the size they were. This crow doesn't taste too bad.
I was going to buy a few of your lightsabers, made a thread asking about if someone makes them, sadly people said you do. I would be worried that you make mine not to work to scam me... or just take my money...
Ah well.
Better safe than sorry.
I kept telling Pixel (at least once anyway) that Tamashii's overized pistons were necessary for structural integrity, and that Sideshow's wouldn't possibly function being the size they were. This crow doesn't taste too bad.
Looks good.
Bit disappointed in what appear to be molded + painted wiring in the mid-section vs Tamashii's individual cables.
Bit disappointed in the biggish chin.
Very happy with the finish.
Very happy with the articulated fingers.
Very happy with the piston size.
Really bummed that I'm going to have to buy this and not just be happy with Tamashii's alongside R2.
It doesn't look like pistons fully work in the video. It looks like they slide up and down in the channels on the forearms, but it doesn't look like the pistons telescope in and out. Which I think is a fine solution.
I'd feel 100% confident buying from Pixel
Selling to you, not so much.
Yes they do....
How can we look at this presentation and think this is going to be less than the Red-Five Luke? Good grief...it looks well-thought out and put together. $250. or so...at least. Looks like another droid hit from Sideshow...
Thank You, Sideshow.