I beg to differ.
This Jabba reminds me of the new SSC Jabba.
I beg to differ.
So is it Jabba month or something ?? Everyone seems to be bringing out a Jabba collectible. I guess this means he's gotta be in Solo !!
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If that was the Jabba that first appeared, Jabba would never have become such a beloved character.
If that was the Jabba that first appeared, Jabba would never have become such a beloved character.
Practical puppets > CGI animation
If that was the Jabba that first appeared, Jabba would never have become such a beloved character.
Practical puppets > CGI animation
When talking Puppet/CGI, i think Declan Mulholland deserves an action figure tribute
Creatures like Jabba used to wow because of the level of creativity and skill needed to bring them to life. Jabba was cool for the sheer size of him alone, not just a person with a mask on, I giant puppet full of personality.
CGI can literally make anything now and then focus is solely on design and rarely artistry. Today’s moviegoers will never feel the awe we experienced with Jabba or Jaws or Jurassic Park.
Wow just seen this! Have the original release but this one has some cool upgrades, especially expression.
Can someone help a fellow freak out and let me know the overall depth of the original throne ( including gargoyle heads) if you have yours on show. Mine's in storage at the moment and i'd like to research display case options. Thanks in advance
Raiders is looking for dimensions of the original throne.
Is that objection to adding the scene in, or the execution of the design?
I like the ANH scene, I wish they had used the Phantom Menace model when they "upgraded" the CGI in 2004, I don't get how you get the '97 which is ok, then do a great rendering of a young Jabba in Phantom Menace, then try to enhance the '97 with new CGI only to replace it with probably the worst CGI of the 3.
You really think the '97 model is superior to the one they replaced it with? I mean, they both suck, but the first model is just seems laughably bad. The Phantom Menace one is pretty good but doesn't really seem like the same character as the ROTJ Jabba at all.
I can't help but wonder how the original trilogy would have turned out if Lucas had CGI and unlimited budget available to him at the time, since most of the things he ended up changing to fit his "vision" were better in their original versions -- and I don't think that's just my nostalgia talking. It's like having to put some limitations on what he could do actually made the film better. Jabba always seemed cooler and more creepy as a character who could barely move and yet wielded incredible power, instead of someone who strolled around gesticulating and pulling human-like expressions.