Sideshow 1/6 Jango Fett

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Looks great, but that jumpsuit color is doing my head in.

I looked at the webisodes and behind-the-scenes footage of EpII - and at NO point is the color ever purple. It's a grey-blue.

Personally, I going to have to find a way to dye it... can't live with the purple.
They must be shipping in waves of inventory, mine shipped last week will arrive tomorrow. I just wait listed 9/2 it converted like 2 days later and they charged and shipped right after that.

I don't think there is any kind of procedure with their shipping routine. I POed Jango on day 1.
Appreciate the comments and really like the pics....especially this one...great gunslinger pose and I like the lightplay on the T-visor. Glad to see this one getting a good reaction, especially after the long wait. Can't wait til the end of the week to get him here....

Already raining like Kamino out there tonight.... :)

If anyone wants to keep posting pics, that'd be great....

Natedog, you can only remove the mouth piece and part of the left earpiece on the head gear. Once removed the head gear still covers the ears.
Greta pics, Evilface!

But what grappling hook?

It's the dart on the right gauntlet... right out of the box I saw a flash of silver shoot past my eye; it was the dart being jetisened as I pulled him out of the package. The dart is ridiculously tiny and it sits in the gauntlet pretty well, but any pressure and it will drop out.

I'm feeling a bit mixed on this figure... Sideshow got a lot right on him, but there are some really frustrating aspects as well.

Great sculpt, weathering and paint. The Jango portrait is right up there with HT in terms of sculpting and paint work... the eyes are not quite as lifelike as HT, but pretty close. Skin tone and detail work is great and again it's great to see a current HT head w/o that stupid eyeball system.

The metallic finish on the armor is really nice as well... it looks like actual metal and has some very convincing weathering to the edges and a scratches.

Leather goods are nice as well, but the straps seem a bit thin/insubstantial which makes them look more like faux leather than I'd prefer.

Fit on the suit seems good and the body seems to be a good quality one; no clicky or rubber knees and the poses seem good. I also like the great range of motion on the ankles. And the color of the suit looks good in person.

I hate, hate, hate the knee and shin armor. For some reason the knees pop into the body with pegs (and the shin pop onto the rubber boot and a plastic ring) but they are not a tight fit so every time you move the figure one of the shins or knee plates pops off, sometimes more than one. Similar to that, the way the jet packs hang off the body is a poor design and they come off very easily which is also frustrating.

The helmet is either a bit too big, or the neck post a bit too short... either way the proportions just seem a bit off.

The hands are too big, it wouldn't be a major issue, but with the forearms being extra thin (like the Boba body) it makes the difference between the opening of the gauntlet and hand that much more stark. Same with the boots... I think the size is fine, but they seem a bit thick which makes them look stumpy :huh

The outift seems a bit bulky, I can't really get the arms to lay flat.. I haven't fully undressed and redressed him yet, but hopefully I can correct some of that frustration.

Overall I'd agree with EF's assessment on price... probably about a $175 figure, but at the very least it feels like Sideshow put a lot of work into the figure. But weird decisions like armor that's attached to the body instead of the clothing is a real head-scratcher and kind of par for the course with Sideshow :lol




Here's a few quick pics next to the v2 Medicom... I do feel like the Medicom is a much less frustrating figure, but the Sideshow one is definitely the better looking of the two especially in terms of accuracy. And of course the head sculpts are like night and day... not even a reasonable comparison :lol





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Helmet's the same old Boba mess again, suit is purple (wtf) & terrible base body.

Don't think I like the Medi anymore either, ah well. :lol

I think the color is fine... at least I think it looks better than the Medicom. But when you see the two next to each other the Medicom really doesn't hold up. Also the armor is much softer and gaunlets are quite oversized.

If it weren't for the damned armor I'd really like this figure. But the thing is so frustrating to pose that it sucks the fun right out of it. It really does look good once posed and on a shelf (and is all around better looking than the Medicom) but getting it in that pose is a pain.



Nice pics GBoy.

Wow that Medi sculpt and paint. :lol I remember all the back and forth arguments over Medi Jango and HT Endo for figure of the year when they came out.
Jango's helmet looks better than wee little Boba's.

I just can't accept the Sideshow body proportions anymore. And the scale of the pouches around Jango's waist seems off.
Can't understand how everyone is happy with the purple.

Grabbed Galactiboy's photo and did a quick photoshop.

It does have a slight purplish/mauve tint, but it's not a purple jumpsuit. This pic has a lot of flash burnout but the color of the leather belt and blues of the helmet can be used as a relative reference...

The purple doesn't bug me, in fact I was hoping it would turn out exactly like this seeing as most Jango costumers tend to go for a more purple jumpsuit color when they dye their costumes. And those guys try to get their stuff as screen accurate as possible.

Also, holy smokes, the headsculpt on this guy is incredible. A lot of talk nowadays in regards to multicultural representation in Star Wars movies has me thinking they've started the discussion ten or so years too late -- I remember being in the theatres as a young teen and loving that the face of the Galaxy's best bounty hunter was the face of a Pacific Islander's. Jango as a character was pretty cool to boot as well. Never been much of a prequel guy, but I thought it was pretty cool that any character in Star Wars would look a bit like me.

I canceled my initial preorder because I figured 1/6th scale wasn't for me, but dang. I reordered it and used a coupon code so my wallet wouldn't hate me completely.

I'm due to get this guy in tomorrow. beautiful!
The purple doesn't bug me, in fact I was hoping it would turn out exactly like this seeing as most Jango costumers tend to go for a more purple jumpsuit color when they dye their costumes. And those guys try to get their stuff as screen accurate as possible.

Also, holy smokes, the headsculpt on this guy is incredible. A lot of talk nowadays in regards to multicultural representation in Star Wars movies has me thinking they've started the discussion ten or so years too late -- I remember being in the theatres as a young teen and loving that the face of the Galaxy's best bounty hunter was the face of a Pacific Islander's. Jango as a character was pretty cool to boot as well. Never been much of a prequel guy, but I thought it was pretty cool that any character in Star Wars would look a bit like me.

I canceled my initial preorder because I figured 1/6th scale wasn't for me, but dang. I reordered it and used a coupon code so my wallet wouldn't hate me completely.

I'm due to get this guy in tomorrow. beautiful!

There is a lot of debate over the color on the prop/costume boards going all the way back to 2002, with no real consensus.

And Temeura as Jango was a no-brainer after you'd seen Once Were Warriors... but it was Temeura's voice as Boba in ESB that got "discussion" going. "Put him in the hold, eyh?":lol
Probably not, luck of the draw I guess. Anyway can't wait til tomorrow.

Got a quick answer thanking me for my patience and informing me Jango would be shipped out shortly. Got a shipping notice a couple hours later. Interestingly enough, tracking says Jango is leaving... Hong-Kong.
There is a lot of debate over the color on the prop/costume boards going all the way back to 2002, with no real consensus.

And Temeura as Jango was a no-brainer after you'd seen Once Were Warriors... but it was Temeura's voice as Boba in ESB that got "discussion" going. "Put him in the hold, eyh?":lol

I feel like the only issue with Tem doing the voiceover for boba was that he rushed his lines. His voice is plenty emotive and you can get a good range out of him, if Once Were Warriors and his voicing Boss is Republic Commando were any indication. I feel like if he paced himself and added sufficient venom and authority in his line delivery, we wouldn't have been as disappointed.

The problem was how fast and casually he delivered the lines. I still cringe when I hear "Asyouwish"