Sideshow 1/6 Jango Fett

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Evilface:definitely love your 3rd pic!
Straight out of the Geonosis arena that one, just before he shoots the Reek :)
The problem was how fast and casually he delivered the lines. I still cringe when I hear "Asyouwish"

Could be a case of bad direction. Morrison is a phenomenal actor and was both unsettling and chilling in Once Were Warriors; that performance was not a fluke or an accident.

The jumpsuit colour looks fine to my memory, but now I have to go watch a prequel to check. [emoji50]

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Can't understand how everyone is happy with the purple.

Grabbed Galactiboy's photo and did a quick photoshop.

Agreed. The first Medicom figure (right) nailed the color perfectly.

Nice pics GBoy.

Wow that Medi sculpt and paint. :lol I remember all the back and forth arguments over Medi Jango and HT Endo for figure of the year when they came out.

And this is the v2, but doesn't seem like there is much difference between the v1 and v2 other than the color of the jumpsuits and the different jetpack. I was fine with the Medicom has a space filler, but now that I see it compared to the Sideshow figure it's short-comings are very evident.

I'm debating on whether or not to keep the Jango, he's got some great points but I find it very obnoxious that he can't withstand basic handling w/o a piece of the armor falling off.
Got a quick answer thanking me for my patience and informing me Jango would be shipped out shortly. Got a shipping notice a couple hours later. Interestingly enough, tracking says Jango is leaving... Hong-Kong.

Same here. This is the first time that SS ships from Hong Kong for me and it is via UPS instead of FedEx but same cost as what it will be if shipped from the US.
And this is the v2, but doesn't seem like there is much difference between the v1 and v2 other than the color of the jumpsuits and the different jetpack. I was fine with the Medicom has a space filler, but now that I see it compared to the Sideshow figure it's short-comings are very evident.

I'm debating on whether or not to keep the Jango, he's got some great points but I find it very obnoxious that he can't withstand basic handling w/o a piece of the armor falling off.

Not sure how the armor is shaped on the back, but would putting a bit of two-sided tape work? Would probably still be removable.
Not sure how the armor is shaped on the back, but would putting a bit of two-sided tape work? Would probably still be removable.

Maybe... I didn't take a picture of it. But basically the shin of the pants have a rectangular opening sewn into them, and then there are two connector points for the shin guards. One on a plastic right that fits around the body's shin and another in the soft rubber of the boot sleeve. However, neither connector is very tight so they pop off. And when you move the figure sometimes they just fall off... but also if you position the legs the tension from the pants causes stress on the connection points and that pulls them off as well; especially on the knee armor.

Double sided could work, but it wouldn't have much to hold onto since there is the opening in the fabric. I was thinking mabe of rigging a strap on the back of the amor, that would feed into the opening and then hold the armor in place. Also possible to just glue the shin armor on to the plastic ring... I may try that approach first as it'd be the easiest. The double sided would work better for the knees though... or maybe just go ahead and glue the knees on or get some velcro.

What's extra baffling about this is Sideshow attached the thigh armor with velcro... so why not do the same with the shin and knees :huh
Actual costume color and perceived color on film are very different. On film you have so many factors going into it... form the type of camera/film stock used to the filters on the camera to the visual effects compositing to the final Color timing of the film... With Jango being predominantly in composited visual effects sequences there is definitely a lot of color manipulation going on just to get the "green spill" or reflected light bounced off of the green screens out (which by default with shift things into a more magenta realm).

His costume changes from environment to environment based on the ambient light of that scene. In the Hoth sequence my guess is that they needed to use certain filters in order for the reflective snow environment to expose correctly and the they additionally applied a final "look" to the sequence in the finishing process (final Color Timing, now referred to DI or Digital Intermediate process unless still shot and then finished on film).

View attachment 212504
He looks fairly purple here while laying down on the ground (not compositied into a virtual environment)

View attachment 212506

While standing, the background is most likely green screen with the majority of the arena being a virtual CG environment. One of the tricks of compositing is to "flash" the foreground character with the ambient color of the CG environment so they don't stand out so badly... he takes on a much more subdued shade..

View attachment 212507

Here against blue, he appears much more in line with that background as well...

Bottom line is the figure on your shelf will never benefit from any of these tricks of film so I feel they went a bit too saturated on the purple and it would have been nice to get a bit more subdued color. I especially wish the poncho was more desaturated/blue grey as with it on he looks like a big mass of purple.

He will definitely stand out on my shelf though and I am looking forward to playing with him.

repeating myself here in terms of costume color... I am not entirely convinced that there is only ONE jump suit used in the movie. He may have had a more blue jump suit on Kamino and a more purple one in the Geonosis arena battle.

Lighting certainly affects photographs but your room/cabinet lighting will dictate how intense this is in person. I don't hate it.

The hoses out of the gauntlets are definitely too short as Evil Face said and I definitely think he is $50 too much before tax and shipping.
I just got him in, he's sitting next to me in my office and I can't open it here! :( I still think that $20 for a 3lb box is a rip from California to NJ. Granted, there are additional factors the costs of the box, the packagers etc,

I just ran this box over to my warehouse , we have a UPS account, if I were to send this back to Sideshow from here UPS ground, it would cost me $10.96...again, thats our discount, not sure what Sideshow gets.
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Same here. This is the first time that SS ships from Hong Kong for me and it is via UPS instead of FedEx but same cost as what it will be if shipped from the US.

Are you located in Europe? It seems Sideshow decided to ship direct from Hong-Kong for our part of the world. Not surprised by the S&H remaining the same as we are roughly at the same distance from both locations. Good news here is they switched from Fedex to UPS meaning import fees might be cheaper as Fedex tend to overcharge their broker fees
Just got him. Overall pretty happy with it but the knee and shin guards fall off too easily. Pretty annoying. I too removed the under bodysuit, hinders poseability. Here are a few quick pics.image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg
I think it's the hands being oversized more than the gauntlet being too small. Doesn't help them being on the super skinny forearms Sideshow uses for the Fett figures.
Got Jango today. Not really worth the $240 in my opinion. Quality is not there. Knee and shin guards fall off easily, the smoke and bullet effects looked a lot better in the promo pics, still like them though. The rocket fire won't stay in the rocket, they keep falling out. I still like him, happy I kept my order, finally got to complete my AOTC/Clone Wars shelf with him.

The suit color is not an issue with me. The color is better than that blue. Would be cool to see a Clone Wars Boba Fett down the line from the SSC to pose with Jango.