Thanks for posting that. I think this is the real point everyone seems to be forgetting.
Look at the average yearly wage for China: Y51,000. You know how much that is in US dollars? $415. The difference in cost of living in the US is roughly 123 times the amount it is in China.
So consider the US sculptor, the painter, the tailor, the designer, and the art director for the Jawa figure all have to be paid. Say, for the sake of argument, that they are each paid a one time fee of $100 US dollars for their services (it's most assuredly more than that). That's already $500. That's already more than the average yearly wage in China. You would only have to pay the Chinese sculptor, painter, tailor, designer, and art director for the Jawa figure only about 81¢ each vs the US equivalent $100 each for the same job, only $4.00 vs $500 for the whole project.
When you take that into account, you have to wonder how Sideshow isn't MORE expensive! (Or you have to wonder how much profit HT is making!)
But the average wage in the U.S. has decreased between 2005 and 2015. So in theory it costs less to sculpt, paint, art direct etc a figure in 2015 than it did in 2005. The only thing that has increased in that time is the Chinese manufacturing costs, and while that has more than tripled, in US dollars it amounts to sort of nothing - as you point out.
So... if US wages have gone backwards and the US dollar amount of Chinese manufacturing cost increases doesn't add to much... then why have the products more than quadrupled in price?