Sideshow 1/6 R2-D2

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Does anyone have movie reference stills for the chipped paint on the main eye? I just did the six movie marathon these past two weeks and never noticed it.

I scanned the OT in detail and it does not exist in at all in any scene - the blue paint around the eye is absolutely perfect at all times. If you've scanned the PT, we can call it definitive.
Awesome, j14! Thanks for posting pictures and giving us your impression!

The loose doors and loose foot concern me, but everything else looks great! And I have to wonder where Sideshow referenced those paint chips on the eye thing! They probably found the ONE single photo of a stunt droid that probably got no screen time from a SW costume/prop exhibit that had a chip on the eye and followed that!
IMO, when producing this kind of figure, one that has a ton of exposure in film, referencing significant details from any kind of museum/archive prop is a serious mistake. There are just too many variables - was that particular prop ever used? How much has it deteriorated? Has it ever been remade/repainted/revised? We've all seen enough prop images from traveling road shows that just don't match up well enough with what was on screen, not to mention inconsistencies between multiple of these show props.

When you do something small, like paint the insides of the blue horizontal pop-up tabs the wrong color, that's one thing - they're relatively hidden. But putting extra detail where none should be, right in the middle of the most focused part of the character... That's a total head scratcher. But hey, at least the horseshoe arm covers are swappable! :slap

I hold Sideshow in high regards in terms of talent - same with Hot Toys actually. Where I think both of them trip up however is in art direction and project management. Every single time.
Incidentally, and coincidentally (?), the seam on the dome is in exactly the same place as the Hasbro R2.
If only I didn't cancel and re-order with the coupon I'd be getting it a week earlier.:(

Interesting... I re-ordered mine with $20 off and I'm getting charged tomorrow.

Would like to see a shot of this and the Hasbro side by side if possible?

I can do that if no one does it first... I have the Hasbro and the Taito beverage warmer; which I believe is the same size as the clock... or so I was told :lol
I scanned the OT in detail and it does not exist in at all in any scene - the blue paint around the eye is absolutely perfect at all times. If you've scanned the PT, we can call it definitive.

Seems to only appear in a behind the scenes photo, and even then the chipping is along the base and not the side of that eye mount.

Mad Old Lu said:
And I have to wonder where Sideshow referenced those paint chips on the eye thing! They probably found the ONE single photo of a stunt droid that probably got no screen time from a SW costume/prop exhibit that had a chip on the eye and followed that!

There's either an elusive reference photo, or else we'll just have to concede that Sideshow made it up! Which would be odd considering the amount of screen references they could have chosen.
Would like to see a shot of this and the Hasbro side by side if possible?

R2 and his little Hasbro brother.
That's the money shot right there!!! WHooo hoo!!

As for the complaints about the light heft to R2, the Probe was the same way. I understand how that feels. There's something about weight that makes us think quality.
When R2 is standing up straight or leaning forward (i.e. on two legs) the blue horizontal tabs have a tendency to open.

Got to say, I find the blue paint too dark on the Sideshow version - I'm not saying it isn't accurate but I always remember it as a brighter blue.
Got to say, I find the blue paint too dark on the Sideshow version - I'm not saying it isn't accurate but I always remember it as a brighter blue.

It's definitely not accurate. For starters it's matte. :) It's the mostly the same issue as the silver paint on the dome.