I edited my post - meant to add that their RRPs are usually inflated, so you could be right about it being less.
Well the Fett is listed with a RRP of £239, so R2 might turn out at $150.
I edited my post - meant to add that their RRPs are usually inflated, so you could be right about it being less.
Well the Fett is listed with a RRP of £239, so R2 might turn out at $150.
I had that R2! I remember losing the cards that slid into the compartment on his back within a week. I got it when it came out and held onto it for a long time. I think my mom got rid of it after I left for college, along with most of my childhood toys. Still haven't really forgiven her for it, lol.
Who said $300?
I did, cause I like to overpay for my toys. Guess I'll have to get two and throw one away
Who's been saying 150? Oh, right, me, the whole time.