Note in the second picture the AMSEL poster is upside down. It must be part of the accessories tray and they must have flipped it when putting the tray back.
Incidentally, I never liked that version of the poster. It was first used in the re-release in 1982. I have always thought the first poster (also by Amsel) captured the feel of the movie better and that the second poster made Indy way too happy! Weee! It's a free-wheelin' fun-lovin' adventure for the whole family! Look how much fun Indy's having waving his whip around! Yipee! I know they were trying to capitalize on what a "fun" ride Indy was, but the movie was fun because of the exciting stunts and story, where you felt real thrills because of all the close escapes from dangerous situations, not because it was a light-hearted romp through Cairo!
I can't let that comment go without giving my "two cents" about it. I've collected official movie posters for over 30 years. The artist of both Raiders Of The Lost Ark posters was a gifted and very talented artist, Richard Amsel. Sadly, he died at a young age due to HIV in his 40s. I LOVE both of his posters, and have both of them in my collection. The second poster for the re-release of Raiders in 1982 is an incredible collage of the main characters and does have Indy with a smile on his face while holding the bullwhip. Okay. So what?

As we all know Indy is a wise-cracking, fun guy, with a great sense of humor. That's one of the things we all love about this character. He's not a cardboard hero/character. He has a colorful demeanor. Raiders was exciting, breath-taking, and one of the best movies ever made.
Richard Amsel's first poster for the original release showing Indy with a serious look on his face holding the whip coiled over one shoulder is CLASSIC.

It is very different than the 1982 re-release poster. By then, in 1982 most people had seen Raiders in 1981, and knew what the movie was about. So, having Indy smiling in that poster, to me, at least is NO BIG DEAL.
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