Thenammagazine, You're absolutely right and the rest of us are just dead wrong. Sorry for voicing my
opinion on the figure. What was I thiniking? And here I thought this was a forum where we were free to discuss such things. I'm sure I went about it all wrong.
Let me clear this up. The storm flap is not a dance

(or maybe it is), it's the small strip covering the zipper. There is one seam (storm flap seam) which runs down the length of the jacket. As you can see the prototype got it right and does not have the snap on top and bottom as it is on the original Raiders jacket. I assume, assuming I can assume here, that if you remove them you will have a hole in the jacket? If so, I don't want holes in the jacket. I'm sure even the most hardened Sideshow supporter can understand that.
The prototype also got the color of the web belt wrong. The web belt color shown was the light brown/tan used only on the Last Crusade and Crystal Skull costumes. Raiders and Temple of Doom had a darker, chocolate brown web belt. I wonder if this was changed but from the pics posted it appears it was not.
Now, please understand that I understand that most of you don't care about any of these details and being as clear as I was before,
I think that's just fine that you don't. I'm only speaking for myself, just putting it out there and keeping it real. This IS supposed to be a "Raiders" figure, yet it is truly not when you get down to the details that I understand a good portion of you aren't familiar with and probably don't care to know. Cool with me.
I just don't know how to be any more clear on my stance. If you want to hate me because of it,'re just a bit more passionate than I am, I guess.
And just so those that don't know me don't think I'm full of b.s., here is my Indy costume which (all but the hat) was made by the same people who worked on the film. I didn't mean to come in here and stir up the pot. I thought an honest opinion would be well received since I think I've earned my degree in Indygear. I'm not just voicing my opinions to tick people off.