You're welcome.

I was reading the above posts and about your situation. Depending on how eager you want your Indy, I would agree with everyone else and try to call them Monday morning and check to see if they charged your card. You can also explain to customer service what the other customer service rep. told you before. From what I've read in this forum for the past week about the exclusives, they'll be more than happy to charge your card right then and there as well as possibly shipping your Indy on that same day. If that happens, there's a possibility that he might be in time for Thanksgiving dinner.

Mind you, I emphasize the word 'possibility' because I don't want to give you any false hope, but it doesn't hurt to try, right?
Otherwise if you're not in a hurry, I think what SS does is that they go down the line of the orders received in the pre-orders and start processing them that way and since yours was on the waitlist that switched to an order, yours might be at the tale end of the processing line. That is of course my guess. Hope this helps and good luck.