Really enjoying the activity in here with this one....lots of great pictures, set-ups and customs really enhancing this piece...
Finally got mine assembled today...many thanks to Rubio for those great assembly suggestions
(see post 780 in here for details)....they were most helpful...wouldn't have made it through the instructions as written without some breakage with my big mitts. As it was, I still managed to break one of the gear shifters while inserting it....super-glue to the rescue on that one. And that Sideshow "out of the box" video....while it briskly shows the pieces easily popping into place in what seems like seconds, it doesn't quite work that way. Patience, time and careful attention are key to getting this one together.
Like the Imperial Probe Droid that Sideshow presented a while back, this Speeder Bike is more like a glorified, high-end model kit than a robust "toy" accessory for sixth-scale figures. Difference here is, the Probe Droid is strictly a display piece on it's own, not made to actually interact with a heavy, solid sixth scale figure like the bike has to. Delicate with it's details, the Bike looks fantastic with "completed" and really shines once it gets a Scout positioned upon it. It's just leans more towards the fragile side with it's many small, thin, barely-attached parts. When attempting to change up the Scout's position on the bike or move the angle on the bike's stand, some of these parts (most notably the handle bars) are a bit on the stiff side and could break easily.
While some may equate the lightweight and delicate construction as "cheap", that view fades once the bike is assembled and adjusted for display with the Scout positioned on it, grasping that handle grip and wielding his pistol at the rebel scum he's speedily pursuing....
It's a great thing that this set arrived in the summertime so that those of us inclined towards some outdoor shots can capture all of the great detail Sideshow has packed onto the Scout and his ride in natural light.... the end, we get another great display piece that that (with extra care) is fun to pose and adjust and snap shots of. Sideshow's team has once again demonstrated that careful research and attention create a classic piece of SW "hardware" that is bursting with memory-triggering details...great job and keep 'em coming!