Nerf Herder
Saw the customs you guys did, FLOSI and barryo, so you wouldn't really be missing out too much if you didn't order, but I'm not as industrious... Though I think it'll make your collection kinda cooler to have the variations between your customs and SSC's release.
I think I'll grab one exclusive to get the rifle and if I want more, I'll wait until they're available here and support the local comic book store. It's win-win!![]()
Yeah, I really think this will go pretty well with the custom pieces, afterall, there were slight differences between all of them, moreso than just their weapons.
Wow, looks great!!!
$135 is kinda steep, so I may just have to grab one EX and sit on the sidelines until the prices come down on the regular.
FLOSI - I was thinking something similar with a Sandie-Raider stand-off!!!
Really need that speeder, though, to complete the vision.
And a couple of droids would help too....

If it is the rifle, specifically, that you are looking for, you don't have to bother with the exclusive. The second gaderffii stick is the exclusive.