Sideshow 1/6th Tusken Raider

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Saw the customs you guys did, FLOSI and barryo, so you wouldn't really be missing out too much if you didn't order, but I'm not as industrious... Though I think it'll make your collection kinda cooler to have the variations between your customs and SSC's release.

I think I'll grab one exclusive to get the rifle and if I want more, I'll wait until they're available here and support the local comic book store. It's win-win! :yess:

Yeah, I really think this will go pretty well with the custom pieces, afterall, there were slight differences between all of them, moreso than just their weapons.

Wow, looks great!!!

$135 is kinda steep, so I may just have to grab one EX and sit on the sidelines until the prices come down on the regular. :monkey2

FLOSI - I was thinking something similar with a Sandie-Raider stand-off!!!
Really need that speeder, though, to complete the vision.

And a couple of droids would help too.... :monkey3

If it is the rifle, specifically, that you are looking for, you don't have to bother with the exclusive. The second gaderffii stick is the exclusive.

:lecture Yup, so three different weapon options come with the EX.
I have to say, that figure is beautiful!

The robes, the details, the head, look soooooo much better in the additional pictures.

That being said, $135.00!!??!!!??!!

What is up with that? More and more I feel like the pricing is arbitrary in relation to the actual manufacturing process. It just keeps getting up ticked til Sideshow discovers what price is the fans breaking point. I just don't see why this should cost more than a clone!

Had it been $100 or less, I would have bought 2. Now one will have to be enough.
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No, I just want the exclusive! :p (Thought rifle was exclusive, at first -- thanks for the head's up, though.) But at the same time, if I don't get it, it's not a big deal. How fast do these exclusives sell out, generally? I'll be working, so won't have too much time to devote to it, but hopefully my order goes through. I'm guessing this is a bit of a niche character, so hopefully that'll help as it's not like a Darth Vader exclusive or something.

You should have no problem getting one... Even if it somehow sells out before you're able to order, and it shouldn't, just hop on the WL. You'll convert.
I have to say, that figure is beautiful!

The robes, the details, the head, look soooooo much better in the additional pictures.

That being said, $135.00!!??!!!??!!

What is up with that? More and more I feel like the pricing is arbitrary in relation to the actual manufacturing process. It just keeps getting up ticked til Sideshow discovers what price is the fans breaking point. I just don't see why this should cost more than a clone!

Had it been $100 or less, I would have bought 2. Now one will have to be enough.

Dude, I can guarentee you we'll never see a sw figure for under a hundred bucks. You better accept it and move on.
Wasn't figrin Dan under $100? And Greedo?

Don't see why this Tusken should cost more than a clone.

Damn, it is gorgeous though.

I think basic clones may still be under $100; but $99 instead of $89 and other Cantina members may also be a bit cheaper. But seems that any unique figures or clone commanders are going to be $135 and up from here on out.
I'm glad I didn't get any clones...
I'd rather have classic characters like Greedo, Hammerhead and now freakin' Sandpeople... or worse... :lol

That's how I collect SS SW. Still $135 is steep. I'll wait and see what the other retailers are charging for the regular. Although I do have a lot of points saved, but I was going to use the for Boba Fett.... decisions, decisions.
Why not have both... I fought off clones; but Grievous looks badass and the Battle Droids were too good of a deal to pass up:


You'd think the price would be lower to entice people into buying multiples. Oh well... That being said, it looks fantastic. I'll probably end up buying the exclusive. :lol
Yeah, I really think this will go pretty well with the custom pieces, afterall, there were slight differences between all of them, moreso than just their weapons.

Meant to mention that I really liked that you added aluminum tubing to your custom, nice touch for sure.

Glad it sounds like I won't have too much trouble with the exclusive (this will be #1... guess I'm in for a lifetime of addiction from here on in *hangs head*). Looking forward to seeing how it goes.

As for price, wish it was cheaper but this is about right what I was thinking and for the overall quality of the figure and weapons, I'm OK with it. I will need a maximum of two, so one now and a regular version later in the summer is not too bad.
Why not have both... I fought off clones; but Grievous looks badass and the Battle Droids were too good of a deal to pass up

Because I'm poor... :monkey2

I'm actually not against PT characters... I have plenty...
Anakin, Mace, Qui Gon, Obi Wan, 3 versions of Palpatine, Jango, Maul...
but I like the OT aliens and droids much better than the PT ones.
From the prequels I'm only interested in Dooku, a decent Amidala, Yoda and I think that's about it...

EDIT (adding pics):

Not surprised by the price. Surpised that others are.

Not sure about the exclusive. Looks nicely done, but I think I can save $40+ by getting this thru a retailer.

That all said, it does look a lot better in the new pics. Love the detail work on the belts.
The prototype looks great and I'll order an exclusive, but if Sideshow doesn't properly source the fabric to look like that in production (and instead cheapens out like they did with ANH Luke and others) then they can go pound sand(people). Especially at 135 bucks. No excuses.
Not bad, but unless I wish my clones to fight them. Where would they go? I have to say if they where cheaper Ya I would buy two of them. This way. I can pass on them.

Chicken Neck Maul is starting to look nicer.
Not surprised by the price. Surprised that others are.

Yeah, I get that a lot of people are mentioning F'igrin Dan and the clones and I may be wrong on this, but F'igrin seemed to me a super basic figure (newly sculpted head, hands, horn, plus shirt and pants -- in addition SSC can spread the cost over three or four 'band members') and the clones can be endlessly re-released. Can't really see Sideshow trying to re-release variations on the Tuskin as there's nothing in-movie to support different ranks and whatnot. Overall, it looks to me that the Tusken has a lot more detail than F'igrin, especially.

The prototype looks great and I'll order an exclusive, but if Sideshow doesn't properly source the fabric to look like that in production (and instead cheapens out like they did with ANH Luke and others) then they can go pound sand(people). Especially at 135 bucks. No excuses.

Agree at these prices it's a shame we apparently even need to worry about presto-chango antics like that. Hope that's not the case here. While I don't really have an issue with the price, it's predicated on getting a quality product so I would feel burned if they cheaped out on any materials after one's ordered.
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