Sideshow 1/6th Tusken Raider

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Looks like the my Sandperson will be here on Wednesday :rock :rock

And glad to see the taint of chicken-little syndrome has now affected the Raider, poor guy was feeling left out with all the attention on Luke :lol
I am nervous to receive this figure without ever seeing the final production pics. Hopefully this means that the figure will match the quality look of the proto pics we've seen from the beginning.
I'll send you both pics of mine on Tuesday. :1-1:

Thanks :hi5:

Still no shipping notice here. Officially the longest I have gone from payment to shipment with Sideshow. Ordered the day it went up. :dunno

If Lukes anything like this I won't have him till the middle of November.
Camera? Check.

Battery Charged? Check.

Space cleared on desk? Check.

2 Raiders and a Neyo? Out For Delivery.

- MJ