Super Freak
looks awesome!
Must buy for me! Want all 6 ESB bounty hunters. I think this is a good indication that we will be seeing Zuckuss and Dengar in the not so distant future.
Over or under $250?
I'm OK for Dengar but I might pick this guy up at some point.
Sent from the Death Star communication division.
Yeah, especially seeing as 4-LOM is supposed to be 5'2" if I'm not mistaken.So we can pretty much count on this being on the C3PO body, right? Wouldn't that make him too tall?
Never understood that 5'2" listing -- he's clearly on a 3PO body, which isn't 5'2" .... and more significantly, in the movie you can see him and he's NOT 5'2".
But most people will believe whatever they read.
Who cares how tall he is, I'm more concerned with the raping we are going to get