Super Freak
Re: Angel is coming
I figured this would be 1/5.... NOW BRING ON JIM LEE Archangel 1/4!!!!!
I figured this would be 1/5.... NOW BRING ON JIM LEE Archangel 1/4!!!!!
I figured this would be 1/5.... NOW BRING ON JIM LEE Archangel 1/4!!!!!
I figured this would be 1/5.... NOW BRING ON JIM LEE Archangel 1/4!!!!!
I figured this would be 1/5.... NOW BRING ON JIM LEE Archangel 1/4!!!!!
1/5th = pass for any character...I will wait for 1/4th.
I figured this would be 1/5.... NOW BRING ON JIM LEE Archangel 1/4!!!!!
honestly I dont think archangel would be feasible in 1/4, unless his wings are retracted. he would already have to be huge in 1/5 scale since that comiquette has him spreading his wings.
it can be done. all sideshow has to do is to make the wings detachable
Black Friday variant, X-Force costume. would buy in a heart beat. 2011 please.
They'll be detaching for sure, I think I know what the PF Exclusive could be. It would be a switch-out portrait of his Death Mask while he was a horsemen of Apocalyse.
His wings would either be curled up or retracted otherwise in 1/4 scale, they'd have to be 4 feet wide from tip to tip.
I would much rather have the new costume from X-Force as a PF though...