Sideshow Angel Comiquette - Links to Waitlist and Buy Reg in 1st post.

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Re: Angel is coming

Even though it is 1/5 scale, I am still curious to see how this turns out. I wonder if SS will reveal it in one of the last two Days of Sideshow?
Re: Angel is coming

Archangel is a Walter Simonson design, not Jim Lee...

Re: Angel is coming

So why is Sideshow still making 1/5 statues when clearly most collectors want 1/4?
Re: Angel is coming

So why is Sideshow still making 1/5 statues when clearly most collectors want 1/4?

Cos Sideshow want to double dip on each character and don't feel that having an alternate outfit is enough of a differentiating factor so to entice the 'I won't buy a rehashed character' or 'I won't get 2 of this character' crowd, they decided to differentiate the characters with costume+scale+format. :slap

So now they have gone down the path of smaller scaled comiquettes which don't look as imposing sizewise. Only way to make them stop is to stop buying the 1/5 scale non BAH! stuff.

Hopefully, they will get out of that soon and keep the 1/5 to the BAH! ladies then get bigger and better again so we can mix and match the different outfits, comiquettes with the PFs if we wanted too.
Re: Angel is coming

So why is Sideshow still making 1/5 statues when clearly most collectors want 1/4?
Sideshow is trying to reach customers who may already have a character in 1/4th and they are trying to expand the comiquette market, cut costs (less poly/no fabric), and avoid items going to their gift card list (ie, warehouse). Trying to push more items into 1/5th was a way to do that...regardless of how many times fans have said that scale is important to them.

I am really disappointed that Sideshow decided that the X-Men were their guinnea pigs for this, but I will pass on any 1/5th and the more fans that do the same will quickly (I hope) teach Sideshow a lesson that we want 1/4th. It sucked passing on Colossus and will suck passing on Angel and a Jean Grey if they make them, but ranting on these boards only goes so far; I will speak with my wallet.
Re: Angel is coming

I encourage those who want larger scale pieces to continue in comiquette format to also use their facebook, twitter, comments and 'ask sideshow' section to speak up.
Re: Angel is coming

I encourage those who want larger scale pieces to continue in comiquette format to also use their facebook, twitter, comments and 'ask sideshow' section to speak up.
Good idea. I sent an email to customer service when Colossus went up for preorder and told them why I didn't order it; I forgot to do that with Nightcrawler. Sideshow reps read these boards, but some of the stuff in here is seen as just ranting; when Sideshow CS get specific emails letting them know...I think that will hit home.
Re: Angel is coming

Blah no Angel for me. This thread made me wanna go buy Hellboy. And no ArchAngel, I ain't waiting for the rest of the XForce. Sideshow, make me a great Apocalypse comiquette plz.
Re: Angel is coming

Angel in 1/4 would have been epic...whether comi or PF. The problem is if they make a 1/4 scale later down the line it will probably be archangel. I like archangel but would have been great to have another original x-men to go with cyclops. Beast comi was a bust all around IMHO.