Hi McFly. Did you get the SDCC exclusive at the show?
Those gift cards are damn near useless.
I know Silent Surfer said he only painted the five band members, but has Sideshow said anything about finishing the band? Kinda sucks to only have five of them...
- MJ
Yes, but if you buy two Figrin D'Ans, then you have your sixth member - as he comes with an additional instrument.
FD's extra instrument is the same instrument that comes with one of the members in the "store" exclusive set.
Yodacappy's in the process of sculpting and casting the additional two instruments, so buying the customs would be an ideal solution for those hardcore enough to want all seven band members.
Yep, makes sense, Yodacappy. Sorry, didn't mean to speak on your behalf or imply these instruments were imminent. Was just going off the conversations I'd read here and at RS. Given the paucity of source material, I can imagine it's going to be a time-consuming process.
Just pulled the trigger on all 5 of these guys!
Ordered Tech Mo'r and Doikk Na'ts Bith Band - Modal Nodes
Sideshow Exclusive Edition from Sideshow and Tedn D'Hai & Nalan Cheel Bith Band - Modal Nodes Retailer Exclusive 12" Two-Pack and Figrin D'an from BBTS!
I can't wait to get them all!