Sideshow ESB/ROTJ Darth Vader

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January 15th came and went. Final flex not taken as scheduled.

Is Sideshow feeling the pressure?

Does Sideshow need to feel more pressure?

Moff Jerjerrod: Lord Vader, this is an unexpected pleasure. We are honored by your presence...
Darth Vader: You may dispense with the pleasantries, Commander. I'm here to put you back on schedule.
Moff Jerjerrod: I assure you, Lord Vader. My men are working as fast as they can.
Darth Vader: Perhaps I can find new ways to motivate them.

Moff Jerjerrod: The Emperor's coming here?
Darth Vader: That is correct, Commander. And, he is most displeased with your apparent lack of progress.
Moff Jerjerrod: We shall double our efforts.
Darth Vader: I hope so, Commander, for your sake. The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am.

I like this one. It looks like he's shrugging. :lol


Thanks Battsworth.

okay now that you have insisted that everyone should do this mod........i have a few QUICK questions that might help others out who maybe aren't as handy at the whole modding biznezz,

1. i know you said you used a dremel, but could you tell us the model.
2. at what speed setting did you use for the cutting?
3. what was the grain of the cutting disk?
4. is the dremel cordless or corded?
5. were you using eye protection while dremeling & would you suggest others do so?
6. what color is the dremel?
7. do you like using a dremel because it's efficient or because chicks dig dudes with dremels?
8. were you wearing pants when this modification was done?
9. would you suggest that anyone could dremel with no pants or should that be left up to a professional?
10. do you think that using a chainsaw instead of a dremel would be overkill?
11. am i even spelling dremel correctly?
12. did you use a barrel sander tip for the smoothing down after using the cutting bit?
13. what was the grain of the barrel sander if in fact that was what you used?
14. and again at what speed was it used at?
15. where can you buy as dremel at anyway?
16. what is more valuable, a dremel or 5 ham sandwiches?
17. did you take a nap before or after you did the modification using the dremel?
18. have you ever just jumped on the top of a desk at work and screamed "DREMEL!!!!!!!!" all the while flapping your arms about?
19. dremel or drimmel or djrmill or drimul..........which spelling do you like best?
20. when does the Goldfish Pants world wide tour kick off & do we have enough band members yet?

if you will please answer all of the above questions and lets get on to safe & happy vader modding...........:)

1: Dremel Model Awesome
2: 7
3: Wheat
4: Wired
5: I closed my eyes, I suggest everyone do the same.
6: Transparent
7: Chicks love dudes with big dremels
8: Pants? Preposterous!
9: If you wear pants you have no business using a dremel. Ever.
10: Chainsaws are amazing. I recommend you use a chainsaw whenever possible.
11: I believe its spelled, drumal.
12: No comment
13: 7
14: 7
15: Ask for Jake at the corner of 7th and Vine
16: 5 ham drumals.
17: During
18: I never flap my arms. Its a sign of weakness.
20: Goldfish Pants has been on tour for months!?!?! Where have you been and you is the guy we have been calling Barry?!?!?!?

Fantastic. Thanks again.

Not a prob :wave
Final Flex not taken on the 15th.
Take my money and give me my Vader!

My cousin has his EX since last week and is torturing me with pics.

He paid upfront and I went flex...bad decision by me.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
Ah, I would assume so, but its not gonna lower by much at all. Maybe 1/8", if that. Also, its not just about lowering it, at least for me it wasn't. Its about getting the back to sit at an angle, which you can't really achieve without some mask modding.
I don't get the mod lowering the helm, rotj Vader had the helm raised off the brow, I've instead put the helm in heated water and placed pressure on the back and the apply cold water to reset, this action raises the dome off the brow, lowers it at the back of the neck and increase the flair slightly
I don't get the mod lowering the helm, rotj Vader had the helm raised off the brow, I've instead put the helm in heated water and placed pressure on the back and the apply cold water to reset, this action raises the dome off the brow, lowers it at the back of the neck and increase the flair slightly

As long as you're happy. :hi5:
Yeah, the perfect Vader is in the perfect eye of the perfect beholder.

Dome lowering looks good to me, shall be copying yours King.

The Dark Lords of the Bat Men.

I like what you did with your ceiling. In my book carpet's classy wherever you put it.

GatackFC said:
oh jesus I might just have to break my vowel and buy a ssc 1/6 figure. it's been years and now they've captured my attention again.

As consonants go, Vader seems to be exceeding expectations.

Hard to imagine that not long ago Sideshow was just the poor banjo playing cousin of Hot Toys.
If they ever do a Stormtrooper 2.0 then I will flank either side of him with those fellas and have him gripping his belt.

I was about to suggest the Hasbro VOTC Stormtroopers as a cheaper alternative to build a posse behind Vader. But having just checked prices it seems like these have gone up to ridiculous prices themselves. I picked one up at a reasonable price on Ebay a few years ago, then found another two cheap at a car boot sale.

Original Sideshow version still looks great to me. He's never been knocked off display, while numerous other older Sideshows have been consigned to their boxes.
Just opened up Vader, wow! I can see the improvements over SS's last go at the big fella. His cape is good, tusks intact, I even like the height of the dome out of the box - but his nuts are totally unprotected! Cod piece is missing. :lol

No real big deal, I'll just have to close up his inner robe until SS get me a spare. Otherwise VERY impressed.
Vader has gone to pre-order and no payment plan options are provided on Sideshow's listing - can anyone tell me if payment plans requested through the site's 'order actions' are automatically accepted for pre-order products so long as the the checkout process has been completed for that item?
Vader has gone to pre-order and no payment plan options are provided on Sideshow's listing - can anyone tell me if payment plans requested through the site's 'order actions' are automatically accepted for pre-order products so long as the the checkout process has been completed for that item?

I thought maybe you meant Waitlist, but yeah, hes on Preorder status again :lol

how weird.