You are right. So there's hope that it is still to be preordered this year. Fact is though, we won't have it in hand until well into 2013.
Yeah, at least with a pre-order there something to look forward to. On the other hand, with Grievous...
You are right. So there's hope that it is still to be preordered this year. Fact is though, we won't have it in hand until well into 2013.
The longer they wait may indicate they're making some small changes.
Sadly, the dome isn't the only issue. Sideshow really needs to fix the mouth grill and the eyes as well. However, if they just fix the dome that will make a huge difference.
Yeah, as I posted earlier, I think it's mostly a too-small nose and the vertical height of the eyes that are the other two things holding this sculpt back (other than the dome.)
The eyes aren't that big of a deal because the brow line of the helmet disguises it a bit, but the too-small nose makes the triangle grill noticeably too large, throwing off the face proportions.
Yeah, as I posted earlier, I think it's mostly a too-small nose and the vertical height of the eyes that are the other two things holding this sculpt back (other than the dome.)
The eyes aren't that big of a deal because the brow line of the helmet disguises it a bit, but the too-small nose makes the triangle grill noticeably too large, throwing off the face proportions.
I'd really like to see a side by side of the exclusive Luke/Vader head next to this and the original. Maybe HT got the dome right and the proportions.
Yeah, as I posted earlier, I think it's mostly a too-small nose and the vertical height of the eyes that are the other two things holding this sculpt back (other than the dome.)
The eyes aren't that big of a deal because the brow line of the helmet disguises it a bit, but the too-small nose makes the triangle grill noticeably too large, throwing off the face proportions.
You know, screw the artistic hand... they should just scan the originals (if there are any left) and get it over with.
I'd think Sideshow's pride is taking quite a pounding with all the derision this helmet is being met with...
They've heard it before... and still have sell-outs on their figures. People have screamed bloody murder for years about the ANH Vader; yet once it sold out it started demanding 2-3x retail.