I see that the coat was both in the film. So we are all right.

Yeah, it's the truth. It looks 100% blue in some scenes and yet is indisputably brown in others.
Trying to argue over a 35 year old jacket that clearly was dyed back then (from what color to what color is hard to say) and went through great extremes of temperature and the rigors of filming/transport is a little silly. How the coat appears onscreen is the final arbiter and the answer to that is BOTH blue and brown are "screen accurate."
As I mentioned before, the ATAT driver's costume armor has been definitively proven as being a light-medium grey (and Mollo's sketches clearly show it as designed as a mid-grey color) but onscreen they look white so that's the way we saw them, and the way collectibles should depict it.
The fact we all had the Kenner figure lands me firmly in the blue camp for Han's coat (and um... it's the exclusive version - hello!) I mean SSC goes out of its way to stoke Kenner nostalgia with so many releases so why resist, right?
I also do feel the blue sets Han apart from the Hoth rebel brown/tan/beige, in keeping with Han's outsider vibe, and is therefore makes him a bit more stand-out in the eventual Hoth line-up display.