To be fair, Kenner didn't do the Hasbro re-release game. There were no second Farmboy Lukes to correct the yellow saber either. Kenner stopped making SW figures in 1985. The line didn't get started again until 1995, 4 years after Hasbro acquired Kenner. Had they not, we may not have seen new SW stuff until the prequels.
So I didn't watch ESB on VHS? I don't recall having always known the Kenner figure was wrong? And that's ignoring the previous mentions of having just verified the colors on a VHS. The Laserdisc releases are also from the 80's, not 15 years later.
Even if in every second of ever scene on every screen the movie originally played in during both theatrical releases, in 1980 and again in 1982, the fact that every other copy of the movie, including subsequent theatrical releases, clearly shows it's a brown coat counts for nothing?
Taking this to a logical extension, what happens when someone wants figures of Gilligan's Island? Should they all be in black, white and greys?

Johnny Carson and the Beatles should be released to match.