Sideshow Hoth Han Solo (Echo Base)

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"We're gonna need a bigger cancellation window."

Quint desperately tried to cancel his order, but the window was just closing too fast...the only hope of rescue he had was if those container ships were still anchored off the coast...

Hot Toys doesn't have much to loose? Two similar products, from two companies at very different levels of sophistication for similar prices? Everyone will flock to HT and SS would be left with warehouses full. SS need to improve their product or lower their prices.

And the whole distribution deal isn't much to take into consideration. HT call the shots now, they have the market for 1/6. They could drop SS and either do it themselves, or get another distributer. They can do whatever they like at this moment in time.
Gotta disagree. You were saying that HT didn't give a fig about SSC and that they weren't partners and like a week later they announced they'd be SSC's distributor in Asia (not meant as a slam, btw, just saying our assumptions can always be wrong). :lol I just don't think it's that easy for HT to set-up distribution as good as what SSC is providing right now. SSC's very good at marketing and distribution... Don't think HT wants to drop that for the hassle of developing their own, likely less efficient, system (that's assuming them distributing for one another isn't mandated in some way from Disney, too).

And in regards to the Ep VII figures that you and Khev mention, my belief is Disney/LFL will have very tight control over releases and won't allow overlap like they did (sort of -- the releases were still never at the exact same time) with SSC/Medicom. Medicom had the rights for Asia, specifically, just like ACI had a LOTR licence for Hong Kong, so it allowed them to release the same product as say Asmus. Both licensees in this case are producing figures for the same market, so it only makes sense that the releases will be complementary.

If I were SSC I think I would throw in the towel on humans, though. Stuff like their Probe Droid and some of their alien figures are second-to-none and that's what they should focus on. They seem to want the prestige of human figures, but that three piece system they're using is horrible. Either that or start using the same facilities as HT, supposing that is even an option (could see HT wanting to keep that proprietary, regardless of how 'close' they are to SSC).
If anyone's stuck with an order they can no longer cancel, I'll take him of your hands for $100. You pay the shipping. ;)
Quint desperately tried to cancel his order, but the window was just closing too fast...the only hope of rescue he had was if those container ships were still anchored off the coast...

"..eleven hundred men POed, three hundred and sixteen men come out, the sharks took the rest..

..anyway, we delivered the ck1.."
Gotta disagree. You were saying that HT didn't give a fig about SSC and that they weren't partners and like a week later they announced they'd be SSC's distributor in Asia (not meant as a slam, btw, just saying our assumptions can always be wrong). :lol I just don't think it's that easy for HT to set-up distribution as good as what SSC is providing right now. SSC's very good at marketing and distribution... Don't think HT wants to drop that for the hassle of developing their own, likely less efficient, system (that's assuming them distributing for one another isn't mandated in some way from Disney, too).

And in regards to the Ep VII figures that you and Khev mention, my belief is Disney/LFL will have very tight control over releases and won't allow overlap like they did (sort of -- the releases were still never at the exact same time) with SSC/Medicom. Medicom had the rights for Asia, specifically, just like ACI had a LOTR licence for Hong Kong, so it allowed them to release the same product as say Asmus. Both licensees in this case are producing figures for the same market, so it only makes sense that the releases will be complementary.

If I were SSC I think I would throw in the towel on humans, though. Stuff like their Probe Droid and some of their alien figures are second-to-none and that's what they should focus on. They seem to want the prestige of human figures, but that three piece system they're using is horrible. Either that or start using the same facilities as HT, supposing that is even an option.

I will say it again. Hot Toys don't give a damn about Sideshow Collectibles. That's my opinion. That announcement was made just as it looked like Hot Toys were taking over the entire Star Wars 1/6 license. Do you think Sideshow are happy about that? Really? They are in an uncomfortable union. One that I personally don't believe will last very long. Of course I could be wrong, but I believe HT have world domination plans of their own, they have already shown that. SS are a convenient stepping stone to be used and abused. I'm sure HT distributing for SS was a term of their agreement.

It's like Darth Vader and Lando Calrissian.

"Hot Toys to SSC: I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further."

The rest of your post I agree with. But HT is the new Star Wars juggernaught, just like they were for Nolan's TDK movies and Iron Man. They have a massive commitment/deal with Disney now, not just for Star Wars.
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The clothes seem pretty nice, the head sculpt is so-so. I don't think it's awful but there's definitely room for improvement. I want to see more pictures and the other head sculpt minus the headgear. Overall I don't think I'll cancel my order but I wish it was slightly better.
..."Hot Toys to SSC: I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further."
Eh, that's up to Disney/LFL more than HT, though. If SSC end-up losing the SW license, then you'll be proven correct. But even in such a scenario, they'd still want SSC for distribution. There's no-one better at it in North America. Every store I can think of is supplied by SSC, so why would any company want to replicate something that is already in place?
Eh, that's up to Disney/LFL more than HT, though. If SSC end-up losing the SW license, then you'll be proven correct. But even in such a scenario, they'd still want SSC for distribution. There's no-one better at it in North America. Every store I can think of is supplied by SSC, so why would any company want to replicate something that is already in place?

Nah, HT are calling the shots in that relationship now. I really believe that. They have a huge swing with LFL and Disney (Marvel, Star Wars, Disney Movies, Pirates etc) Distributers can be replaced, or maybe SS will stop entirely and focus on their PF's and other stuff and just become distributers. I really don't believe they will continue releasing 1/6 Star Wars sets like this for much longer. The scrutiny and negativity is too much, they cannot currently compete with Hot Toys, and their prices are similar, something has to give. IMO.

I mean do you think that Sideshow will release any 1/6th from The Force Awakens? How could that work?
Minor characters that Hot Toys don't want?
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I will say it again. Hot Toys don't give a damn about Sideshow Collectibles. That's my opinion. That announcement was made just as it looked like Hot Toys were taking over the entire Star Wars 1/6 license. Do you think Sideshow are happy about that? Really? They are in an uncomfortable union. One that I personally don't believe will last very long. Of course I could be wrong, but I believe HT have world domination plans of their own, they have already shown that. SS are a convenient stepping stone to be used and abused. I'm sure HT distributing for SS was a term of their agreement.

It's like Darth Vader and Lando Calrissian.

"Hot Toys to SSC: I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further."
Well it's very obvious that you have zero clue about the situation. First HT has ZERO control of anything. Hasbro has and still owns the license for 1/6 figures. SSC has has an agreement with Hasbro for years and HT took over the asain license that Medicom use to have. From a business sense right now HT needs SSC way more that the opposite. Even those in HK have said that SW is not all that popular so HT would need to find a new distribution parter. In SSC they have an well establish company with a well established customer base. Why would anyone with any business sense want to find a new parter and HOPE it worked out better? at distributing SSC isn't that big of deal. SSC did just fine without HT for years. HT was smart to say we can get some extra money if we distribute SSC.
Thanks for the pictures. It looks O.K. I guess, the eyes bother me too much though. I don't think I will ever find a Han I am happy with. I really wanted the Han on Tauntaun to be my main piece but for $600 I just can't do it.

buy han in carbonit , the better HF scult to date :lol
...I mean do you think that Sideshow will release any 1/6th from The Force Awakens? How could that work? Minor characters that Hot Toys don't want?
To be honest, my impression was HT had the license for Ep VII (since I don't think I've ever seen two licensees in the same medium for the same film -- I'm assuming new films here would be handled differently than the existing license for the PT/OT), so yeah, wouldn't surprise me if going forward (Ep VII+) all 1:6/1:4 articulated figures are HT. This is sort of a strange arrangement to begin with, though, so you never know.
I hate HT distribution agreement with SSC. They should only be distributing for the North American market, but not for Europe and Australia/New Zealand region. There's too many middlemen, which leads to ridiculous pricing overseas. I mean the cheapest I've seen Ultron for sale in Australia is $520. Granted the dollar is lower, but when the dollar is high it is still cheaper to buy from SSC with shipping than it is to buy from a local dealer. This shouldn't be the case and being able to source from HT rather than SSC would bring the price down.

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I just don't think SSC can survive this new eye thing. Their production paint apps were always their biggest shortcoming but at least you could send a head off to a custom painter if you really wanted to improve it. There's no sculpting eyelids onto a figure like Han that lost them on account of the new separate eye system. If they aren't going to do armored figures or aliens then I really do think they should call it a day on poseable figures and just do statues from here on out.
To be honest, my impression was HT had the license for Ep VII (since I don't think I've ever seen two licensees in the same medium for the same film -- I'm assuming new films here would be handled differently than the existing license for the PT/OT), so yeah, wouldn't surprise me if going forward (Ep VII+) all 1:6/1:4 articulated figures are HT. This is sort of a strange arrangement to begin with, though, so you never know.
I have a felling new figures will be split across HT and SSC. Having them do the same figures does nothing for any of those who just get the checks from both of them and they aren't going to allow it to be a Wild West situation.

I hate HT distribution agreement with SSC. They should only be distributing for the North American market, but not for Europe and Australia/New Zealand region. There's too many middlemen, which leads to ridiculous pricing overseas. I mean the cheapest I've seen Ultron for sale in Australia is $520. Granted the dollar is lower, but when the dollar is high it is still cheaper to buy from SSC with shipping than it is to buy from a local dealer. This shouldn't be the case and being able to source from HT rather than SSC would bring the price down.

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Funny is that the fact they HT gave up virtually all the distribution rights to SSC shows how much they need them.
To be honest, my impression was HT had the license for Ep VII (since I don't think I've ever seen two licensees in the same medium for the same film -- I'm assuming new films here would be handled differently than the existing license for the PT/OT), so yeah, wouldn't surprise me if going forward (Ep VII+) all 1:6/1:4 articulated figures are HT. This is sort of a strange arrangement to begin with, though, so you never know.

Yeah, it's weird. I bet they are all feeling it out to be honest.

But there is no way (in my understanding) that both HT and SSC will be releasing The Force Awakens in 1/6th.

The biggest Star Wars merchandise in a decade. That says quite a bit about where the power lies.

I just don't think SSC can survive this new eye thing. Their production paint apps were always their biggest shortcoming but at least you could send a head off to a custom painter if you really wanted to improve it. There's no sculpting eyelids onto a figure like Han that lost them on account of the new separate eye system. If they aren't going to do armored figures or aliens then I really do think they should call it a day on poseable figures and just do statues from here on out.

I agree. I had speculated they may up their game and production quality in the last two years as their prices and relationship with Hot Toys grew. It's a pity they didn't do that. Hot Toys won't release things like the Probe Droid or Hammerhead, so we collectors lose out inevitably. I hope that some real forward thinking crisis meetings have happened recently in SSC. It maybe too late.
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I just don't think SSC can survive this new eye thing.

Don't jump the gun. Again I refer you to Facebook or any other social medium outside specific threads on this forum. On this forum I refer you to the statue sub-forums. In other industries look at the likes of Samsung, Dell, HP, etc. It's a wonder they survive with their product lineup, but they do. ;) A batch of products using a production process a few people don't like isn't going to kill Sideshow any more than producing featureless doll-like figures that look like they were painted with colored mud did some years back.

Well I was hoping for some official production pics by now, but overall it still looks pretty good I think. Yeah the eyes are open a bit wider than I'd like, and the face could use a bit more detail and skin texture, but it still looks more than enough like HF to me.

I definitely wouldn't say it looks like a $200 figure (more like $150), but I'll go ahead and keep my preorder all the same. Plus I have a feeling the blue coat version will look a bit cooler and sharper anyway.