Sideshow Hoth Han Solo (Echo Base)

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I see a hint of an off-white shirt with flap under that jacket. I don't suppose Theres a chance of brown pants under the snow pants also?
Quint desperately tried to cancel his order, but the window was just closing too fast...the only hope of rescue he had was if those container ships were still anchored off the coast...


This is a great day to be posting pictures from Jaws... as I'll soon be able to reenact that scene with my Jaws Reaction 3 3/4 Quint and Shark!

Toy Fair 2015 Preview
I see a hint of an off-white shirt with flap under that jacket. I don't suppose Theres a chance of brown pants under the snow pants also?

Yeah it does look like he's got the shirt as well. Damn, with the new shirt, jacket and separate head, you could almost get an entirely new Bespin Han out of this thing!
I thought the Bespin jacket was supposed to be dark grey.:wink1:

Maybe that comes with the blue parka version....
Yeah it does look like he's got the shirt as well. Damn, with the new shirt, jacket and separate head, you could almost get an entirely new Bespin Han out of this thing!

That's what I'm thinking. Sneaky SS, sneaky.

Parted out Bespin jacket is a must. The reg head + jacket could save my old Bespin figure.
Then you could use his super wide lidless eyes to re-enact the scene where's he's surprised to see Vader at the dinner table.

Exactly. Perfect!

And the oversized zipper just adds to the style.

Joking aside, I think its pretty cool of Sideshow to include this, and not even mention it (clearly it was meant to be a surprise).
Well to be fair, it probably WAS what Han was wearing under that thing.

And fortunately the outer coat is bulky enough that you could probably remove the jacket without it making any impact at all.
Saw the first production pics of Hoth Han ....disappointed the sculpt is ok but the cut and sew on the costume is not .... Looks like a kid's toy (sorry)
Still holding for Paramore's amazing pictures -- still deciding on this one. Remember, if you get this, then you have to get Hoth Luke.... and you still won't have Hoth Leia.

Bespin jacket and shirt are an excellent bonus, but easily had once parted out.
Why don't Sideshow get someone who knows what they're doing to take some photos of the production piece that are so good that we want to buy the figure.

Like what happens with the HT figures.
Why don't Sideshow get someone who knows what they're doing to take some photos of the production piece that are so good that we want to buy the figure.

Those photos are supposed to be released sometime this week according to Sideshow Alex.
One thing, I'm curious what Han has under that coat...

I asked earlier this morning if Sideshow had possibly included the blue jacket underneath.

Does he have another full set of clothes under his winter gear? ;) You know, the stuff he wears around Echo Base when he's not riding Tauntauns or shooting Probe Droids.

Very nice to see he's not just naked and wrapped in a scarf.