Sideshow Hoth Han Solo (Echo Base)

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I'm going to wait for a few more pics before passing final judgement, but it's not looking good so far. What is it about Han Solo that makes him so hard to get a good likeness? Clearly, it's not just a Harrison Ford thing as there are some pretty impressive Indiana Jones sculpts out there...just not Han Solo. Even the new Hot Toys Han isn't quite right.

Quite the mystery.
Aside from the eyes he looks pretty good... but man, I just hate this stupid system Sideshow is using. They're just destroying otherwise good sculpts. Clearly the paint has stepped-up from a few years ago, but these eyes are just godawful!
Well, late to the party...

So that's it, huh? I got to say, it's not as bad as I was thinking, yet not as great as it needed to be.

Besides the problems with the eyes, the outfit looks a bit cheap to me. I have to imagine what HT would do with their intricate tailoring. This coat with the large stitching seems toyish to me, coupled with the plastic gloves and boots. It's not that it looks terrible, but it just isn't up to the level that this hobby is driving toward. This figure feels intermediary. Transitional.

That all said -- I'm eager for some good pictures that I know paramoremcr88 will take later. He takes fantastic pictures so let's see what he can do with this.

This was the absolute last chance many here were giving Sideshow to come through and prove that they could play with the big boys and charge big boy prices.

This is true for me for the most part as far as human figures goes. Prices are forcing tighter choices. From experience, I'll risk my $250 on HT.
If the eyes were still as narrow as this, I would have no problem with the separate eye system:


The problem is, it no look like that no more.
Well there has already been one major torch passing. In the model world Fine Molds (who were #1) lost the Star Wars license to Bandai. So who knows what Mickey is planning...
Besides the problems with the eyes, the outfit looks a bit cheap to me. I have to imagine what HT would do with their intricate tailoring. This coat with the large stitching seems toyish to me, coupled with the plastic gloves and boots. It's not that it looks terrible, but it just isn't up to the level that this hobby is driving toward. This figure feels intermediary. Transitional.

Yeah I was just thinking that about the outfit too. It frankly doesn't look any more detailed or sophisticated than what you'd see on an old Hasbro figure.

I'm sure after the figure's been futzed with a bit, and displayed properly under some overhead lighting, it'll look a whole lot better than this. But still... I was hoping something that looked better even straight out of the box.
Yeah I was just thinking that about the outfit too. It frankly doesn't look any more detailed or sophisticated than what you'd see on an old Hasbro figure.

I'm sure after the figure's been futzed with a bit, and displayed properly under some overhead lighting, it'll look a whole lot better than this. But still... I was hoping something that looked better even straight out of the box.

I was thinking Hasbro as soon as I saw that huge snap and the big stitching.
Tailoring could be better for scale, but I have the Hasbro right here a few feet from my face and there's no comparison, it's not in the same ballpark.
One thing, I'm curious what Han has under that coat... is it a turtleneck sweater? Vest? Always wondered what he wore under there and I wonder if Sideshow went the distance to allow Han to wear his jacket open.
No need to you had pretty much already said it was crap before you saw it, it puld be an absolute masterpiece and you two would still slam it .

And my comment is no worse then you continued slams over and over and over.

If it was an absolute masterpiece I'd be buying it. Likeness, based on paramore's photo's alone, seems 'not bad'. But as for the 'eye system' it's a mistake, and here's why; something like this should only be done when there's a pressing reason for it, e.g. to have moveable eyes. But the ONLY reason they've given their figures separate eyes is because they have failed as a company at making eyes look even acceptable, never mind good, any other way. They're trying this out of on reason only - desperation - and it just doesn't work. It makes the figure look stylised when they haven't aimed to make it look stylised, they've aimed - and missed - at making it look lifelike.