OT Preferist
I'm guessing here, but they probably thought it was an affordable way to make the sculpts more sophisticated. HT relies on high tech processes and extreme skill & time, which costs money, they have built up a system of paint and transfer work that is top notch.
SS eyes have never been great, so I guess they went for an option which seemed to be an answer to their problems and wasn't particularly skilled. An affordable way to get eyes would be perceived as high end. It backfired because the factories they have producing the figures just aren't good enough.
That's my theory as well... they need to stop. All they've done is continued to have a sub-part product, but now it's more work to fix it. Repainting the eyes is no biggie, having to resculpt eyelids is not

That definitely helps. I just wonder how easy or hard it is to take the head apart to adjust the eyes like that...
I depends, on Drake you have heat the head and pull out the plate with pliers. It takes some work, but is doable. the problem though, is not that the eye plate is misaligned, but the decal/transfer they use for the eyes is not well placed. So removing the plate and repositioning it wouldn't do much good here because it fits in a spefic way.
On Drake it was necessary to remove the plate because it was distending the jaw, but after I shaved down the plate the eyes lined up in the same place.
I think the easiest save on Han will be to add a dark line above the eye and maybe the hint of eyelashes on the bottom. Maybe a bit of darkness around the eyes as well to help give it more of a natural look. Right now the eyes are very open and the area around the eyes is all the same color, a bit of work might just save it.
Barring that you can always repaint the eyes a bit higher, but it's really the absence of the upper eyelid causing the issue here. I haven't done a side-by-side with Trevor's sculpt, but I'd be willing to bet his has a clearly defined upper eyelid that is now missing on this sculpt.
I remember that! That was SDCC 2012! They've been trying this crappy technique since back then and they still haven't gotten it right!
Oh god, that's way worse than I remembered... looks like that awful Twisted Whiskers cartoon