Sideshow Hoth Han Solo (Echo Base)

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Ok glad it's not just me. I've been seeing for awhile that Hamill is nearly as tall as Ford, and yet I never got that impression at all while watching the movies. Ford always seemed a heckuva lot taller to me.
Why are there no pics of the unhooded Han. And I don't mean those crappy blurry pics from asia. Why aren't the people that have in hand not posting the unhooded hs :dunno

Thanks for the pics. These two sold me on the figure as it'll be on a shelf with distance w shadow so the eye issue won't be as apparent. I'll wait for the blue coat and all is well in SW land.....
Love this one.

That appears to THE pose for this figure. Would never have thought to use that scanner so prominently but that says "Han Hoth" loud and clear.

Fantastic pics Mark (as I would expect!). Great pose, and very good futzing too. They do demonstrate how good this looks when you can't see the eye area. The overhead Detolf lighting really does create some great shadow from the visor? Really captures Ford. I would say if you were to base your opinions just on your photos, it's the first 1/6th sculpt to really capture Ford. :rock. From the eyes down. I think your eyes look a lot better than Jason's as well though, how much variation are we going to see in these? Which is a concern for the rest of us.

Yeah, given that nearly everyone displays with the top-down lighting, I knew all along the eyes wouldn't be as big of an issue with this fig. However, this particular figure appears to have more paint around the eyes than the fig in para's earlier pics, but maybe it's just the lighting.

No. Port issue has just been settled supposedly but there will still be a delay in sideshow getting this figure due to the port backlog. Hopefully in the next couple weeks. These first two were eBay purchases I believe.

I have a feeling that backlog will be cleared faster than you'd think. I'm hoping this will be shipping next week.

Yeah Han seems to hold up rather well next to the HT figure. At least from a distance.

...except Secret Base supposedly wouldn't display it in their cabinets because it looked so bad.:lol

Yup, Ford should be noticeably taller than Hamill (reportedly 6'1" versus under 5'9"), but HT's Luke is also a bit too tall.

Looks like someone else was interested in the actors' heights too:


Whoa... poor Carrie.

So what's the deal with the hatless head - anyone got one out there to set up with the Bespin jacket yet or what?? :lol

Why are there no pics of the unhooded Han. And I don't mean those crappy blurry pics from asia. Why aren't the people that have in hand not posting the unhooded hs :dunno

Both blue coat and unhatted head are Sideshow exclusives so won't be seen for another week or two.

Very unfortunate that Sideshow is being so coy about production headsculpt close-ups. They said they were showing production pics to those who pre-ordered (I guess for us to make a decision based on what we're actually getting)... I just didn't realize they meant pics taken from the other side of the room.

Sideshow needs to return to high resolution, brighter lit pics. In the past year or so, they have only released low res, small, and darkly lit pics... and it just feels like it's not full disclosure. I remember the Hoth e-web cannon pics were so dark you could barely see the product.
No matter how good this looks with the top have of the face in shadow (and it does look great judging by Marks pics), the eyes are still inexcusable for this price in this day and age.
We should not be having to swap out bodies at this price point. It's getting ridiculous.
No matter how good this looks with the top have of the face in shadow (and it does look great judging by Marks pics), the eyes are still inexcusable for this price in this day and age.

Yeah, I know what you mean, but these latest pics do make the eyes look a little better. It's the definition of the eyelids that's lacking, but it doesn't look massively behind HT's eyes (though I know that Luke is a couple of years ago now, and Han is just being released now.) Sideshow really needs to view these pics and make the necessary changes. As many have noted, if knock-off companies and basic military figures that are cheaper (like DID) can totally nail these things, then Sideshow should be able to. Still, I'm pretty happy with this Han now.

Yeah, I know what you mean, but these latest pics do make the eyes look a little better. It's the definition of the eyelids that's lacking, but it doesn't look massively behind HT's eyes (though I know that Luke is a couple of years ago now, and Han is just being released now.) Sideshow really needs to view these pics and make the necessary changes. As many have noted, if knock-off companies and basic military figures that are cheaper (like DID) can totally nail these things, then Sideshow should be able to. Still, I'm pretty happy with this Han now.


:horror Where are Ford's eye lashes in that sculpt
Yeah, I know what you mean, but these latest pics do make the eyes look a little better. It's the definition of the eyelids that's lacking, but it doesn't look massively behind HT's eyes (though I know that Luke is a couple of years ago now, and Han is just being released now.) Sideshow really needs to view these pics and make the necessary changes. As many have noted, if knock-off companies and basic military figures that are cheaper (like DID) can totally nail these things, then Sideshow should be able to.


That's a really interesting side-by-side. While I like both companies, on memory alone I would generally say "HT production heads will beat SSC's." But based on that one image, I'll take that Han Solo over that Luke.
:horror Where are Ford's eye lashes in that sculpt

Ford's eyelids naturally fold like that, as do many people's. But yeah, they could have glued some tiny lashes on there. ;) IMO, the eyes look pretty good. There really isn't much comparison to either Drake nor Snake out-of-box, which has been a giant relief.

Sideshow, keep moving forward, no back-slipping now.
That's a really interesting side-by-side. While I like both companies, on memory alone I would generally say "HT production heads will beat SSC's." But based on that one image, I'll take that Han Solo over that Luke.
That Luke also has PERS though which most people agree can throw off a sculpt. In general I think Hot Toys' sculpts are stronger than Sideshow's.
In general I think Hot Toys' sculpts are stronger than Sideshow's.

In general you're right. But in 2015, it looks like that's been turned on its head. HT has yet to show a decent SW sculpt apart from the Stormtroopers - and I personally don't mind Chewbacca, though I agree the face isn't as good as it could have been.
Ford's eyelids naturally fold like that, as do many people's. But yeah, they could have glued some tiny lashes on there. ;) IMO, the eyes look pretty good. There really isn't much comparison to either Drake nor Snake out-of-box, which has been a giant relief.

Sideshow, keep moving forward, no back-slipping now.

I don't think that's the reason, because they gave eye lashes to the dreadful SS Indy sculpt. I think the focus was on the Parka and goggles in this sculpt so SS figured that most his face was covered in those scenes with the wind and snow..but still. That's why I need to see a better look of the unhooded version.:lecture
HT does a strange thing for eyelashes with those tiny, very even "dashes" painted on the lower lids, but the illusion somehow works really well.

Maybe you could do something similar with an extremely fine brush (hey, people seemed to take the time to scrape away HT Indy's "guyliner"...) on Han Hoth. It definitely needs a very subtle "something" on those lower lids - maybe even just a thin line of darker flesh color.

The eyelids on this Han Hoth (as opposed to Para's in the earlier pics) don't look as "cut with a scalpel" but in looking at Para's pics, it may just have been the angle they were shot at. The pic above may be a precise "sweet spot" angle for this figure where the likeness just clicks in, like HT Indy where the likeness is there, but then dissipates from even a slight change in angle. Para's eyes don't look that different in terms of paint and molding.
That Luke also has PERS though which most people agree can throw off a sculpt. In general I think Hot Toys' sculpts are stronger than Sideshow's.

In general you're right. But in 2015, it looks like that's been turned on its head. HT has yet to show a decent SW sculpt apart from the Stormtroopers - and I personally don't mind Chewbacca, though I agree the face isn't as good as it could have been.

I do agree, of course, that HT are generally better. It is lamentable that Han has a bit of that PERS look, but I don't have a problem with it. Maybe it's my sub-par vision but these 10x magnified shots do nothing but convince me even more that the figure will look very nice in-hand.
That's a really interesting side-by-side. While I like both companies, on memory alone I would generally say "HT production heads will beat SSC's." But based on that one image, I'll take that Han Solo over that Luke.

The non-BD HT Luke sculpt was to me a bit of a miss in terms of likeness, so (to me at least) that one is the weaker of the two sculpts from that Bespin set, though that non-BD sculpt still commands huge dollars possibly because so many people wanted a custom Luke Jedi.
HT does a strange thing for eyelashes with those tiny, very even "dashes" painted on the lower lids, but the illusion somehow works really well.

Maybe you could do something similar with an extremely fine brush (hey, people seemed to take the time to scrape away HT Indy's "guyliner"...) on Han Hoth. It definitely needs a very subtle "something" on those lower lids - maybe even just a thin line of darker flesh color.

The eyelids on this Han Hoth (as opposed to Para's in the earlier pics) don't look as "cut with a scalpel" but in looking at Para's pics, it may just have been the angle they were shot at. The pic above may be a precise "sweet spot" angle for this figure where the likeness just clicks in, like HT Indy where the likeness is there, but then dissipates from even a slight change in angle. Para's eyes don't look that different in terms of paint and molding.

In hindsight it's not a big deal IMO when I think about it, I have the non hooded version coming whenever and I think that will be the difference in determining how SS nailed Ford's likeness or not.

I will say this, I do like the detail in the lower eyelids of the sculpt with the red and folds of the skin