Sideshow Hoth Han Solo (Echo Base)

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Just enhanced the pics a bit. The EX head does look better than the reg head in those full-body pics though.


Wow, I think Han looks great here, T.B. And the "glass eye"-look is really growing on me. I'm stoked now about getting this figure and using the extra head sculpt to create an updated ESB Bespin figure. To the guys who have this figure, I say KEEP THE PHOTOS COMING!!!
Just enhanced the pics a bit. The EX head does look better than the reg head in those full-body pics though.


Think it looks fantastic myself. And regardless of whatever the "true" color is, I think it's also undeniable now just how much better the blue coat makes the figure look overall (so glad now I didn't switch my order).
I quite like the additional snow and rocks to the base. Only imperfection is, it does not cover the entire base.
That's what I thought.
It won't be difficult to find a micro-fiber fabric that simulates the look of suede leather. I'll sew little conical sections, and attach them directly to the hands. That way, when the wrist joint bends the gauntlet will bend with it naturally.
The stock gauntlets just look WAY too sculpted, in stark contrast to the rest of the fabric suit.

The problem I have with it is that the gloves go too far up into the gauntlet. The fist in particular almost disappears into the gauntlet. In the movie it's a full glove that's visible outside the gauntlet.

Just makes the hands look stubby. Maybe they can be partly inserted to make the hands protrude more but you'll have a gap where the wrinkles are.

Think it looks fantastic myself. And regardless of whatever the "true" color is, I think it's also undeniable now just how much better the blue coat makes the figure look overall (so glad now I didn't switch my order).

Yeah, the blue is definitely more distinctive than the brown, even if brown is costume correct and makes sense given everyone else in echo base wore beige/brown/tan.
Not a fan of that (non hatted) sculpt at all, even with good eyes, I see a bit of Solo there but not a lot of Ford.
It's too pointy and angular. Perhaps it will be better in hand.
Yeah, the blue is definitely more distinctive than the brown, even if brown is costume correct and makes sense given everyone else in echo base wore beige/brown/tan.

It makes sense that Han Solo would wear the same military issued beige worn by every drone? I don't think you know Han very well.
Kinda makes sense to me that they'd want to make Han look as distinct as possible from everyone else roaming about the base. And also that they'd want to keep him wearing the same basic colors throughout the movie.
Even wearing brown, Han's coat made him pretty distinctive from the rest of the rebels:


That guy behind him is defintely wearing tan but he's wearing blue there.

It makes sense that Han Solo would wear the same military issued beige worn by every drone? I don't think you know Han very well.

Yeah, I said that in here a few months ago. It's what I was trying to hint at in the above post.
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Just had to bump these amazing've made this figure look really good I'm genuinely excited for this...(oh heck, I was already, but these shots just hammer it home)....

As others have already said (many times)...thanks for sharing your perspective on the figure and these great pics...very much appreciated...and if you want to post more, well...... :)

Many thanks buddy :duff i shall do some more shots during the week.

Now that I look more closely at the new photos... WTF are they doing with the gloves???
They sculpted wrinkly elephant skin at the wrist, and the forearm portion overlaps onto the hand.
This makes no sense to me; they're supposed to be simple guantlet-style gloves, with a sewn seam at the wrist, not the gray wrinkled skin of a pachyderm's testicles.
If the final version looks like that, the first thing I do will be to make custom sewn gauntlets, and glue them onto all of the existing hands. Sheesh!

The gauntlets are being pushed down onto the gloves by the jacket. i haven't tried to thread the jacket though the gauntlet fully then fit the hands as quite frankly it doesn't really bother me all that much