Sideshow Hoth Han Solo (Echo Base)

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So are these updated pictures of the figure meaning they will be shipping them out in the next couple days?

Hard to say. I just now got the email about the new Han pics, but when you click onto the site it still says April-May.

With the dock strike over, I'm guessing Sideshow is hopeful now they'll get their shipment soon, but are probably holding off on updating the site until they actually have them in hand.
It looks good with the hood up and the sculpt partially shadowed. But the head sculpt with hair looks like it came off the artsy cover of one of those cheesy 70s romance novels. Another reason I just can't stomach buying x wing Luke, even though I really want a 1/6 version of that character. I really hope hot toys improves upon their offering of han as I am all in on that one.
All this talk of height is interesting - is there currently an accurately sized TT for Luke then? Is the short stormtrooper accurate for Luke's height?
I have to say that the new pictures are a let down for me. The proto types on display at Comic-con and what I have seen of their latest heads (capt Rex/Padawan Obi Wan, Darth Malgus, unhelmeted Vader etc) were looking really good in terms of skin texture, eye applications and these seem a HUGE step backwards to me. First Plisken and now these, this is not a good trend for them... they were steadily increasing with each release in terms of skin texture/detail, paint application and eye details but these seem lifeless and dead in comparison.

I have to say this sucks because Hoth Han was one of my most iconic wants from the series and even Hot Toy's Han is not that exciting to me. With the new film pending you would think the quality would be going up but instead I feel like they are in a rush to get things out (although that has nothing to do with the lack-luster Plisken release)
Finally caught up here and I don't know what to say. When I first browsed around, I thought that Para's super close up iPhone shots weren't anything to go by, and when he posted his real shots I was a little relieved. But now seeing the EX head, it shows how bad these eyes are. I can overlook the hair, gloves, outfit and everything else that's bothering others, as I don't see any of those aspects to be bad. But this wide-eyed nonsense is really twisting my nads.

I'm a sucker for anything Hoth, so I'm in for the long haul, for better or for worse... unless something turns out truly FUBAR. I'm too stuck on the idea of 2 Tauntauns, 2 Hans and Luke to scrap everything because of the eyes, but I definitely can't say that's not a big disappointment. Stealth & Para's pics show that it looks great on display, I love the accessories & outfit, but damn.... what a way to destroy a beautiful sculpt :( :ohbfrank:

It's just not what I expect a high end figure to look like. Am I voting with my wallet on this round.... no. Hoth has me by the balls but they are making it INCREDIBLY easy to pass going forward if the continue putting out items subpar to HT quality, at HT prices. I didn't PO X-Wing Luke and the only 2 things that'll make me bend on that is an acceptable level of production quality, and/or a discount on the EX.

They talk about the license being so expensive? So how do you explain a HT Obi-Wan for $20 less? Both are bare bones figs except Obi-Wan has a light up feature in the saber. All we can do is speculate and assume since none of us see the books and have hard facts, but from this side of the fence, that still says that something's going wrong to me. If they fact is that SS can't produce high quality as efficiently as HT can, then maybe they're not the guys for the job and they should stick to what they're good at, or tighten up the op

I guess they couldn't pull this eye system off with smaller eye holes and needed to widen them. Did the early production sample with smaller eyes even have the separate eye system, or were those sculpted and painted? If the sample had them, then that shows this stupid system could actually work if they can apply it to mass production, and if it didn't, that's just more proof that they should have junked this idea yesterday.

Trashed house and weird bickering? I feel like were just talking :dunno :lol

And yes, I highlighted some of their good figures (which were of course non-human) because those are good examples of why we buy from SS. SS is not perfect in any way (neither is HT), and I'm sure they're reminded of that 100 times per day on this forum.

And Lu is right, I think we are finally seeing people actually voting with their wallets. I think it's more a lack of faith issue than a price issue when you see both Lukes and Han exclusives still lingering. If SS had HT's track record with production and human likeness, I'll bet my d__k against a penny that X-Wing Luke EX would have flew off the shelf long ago, even at that price

Except EX Hoth Luke has been waitlisted for months and if there weren't two different EX Hoth Han's he probably would have been too.

I didn't realize that Luke was waitlisted at that point so I stand corrected. I'd still think that he went first because it's easier to see the value in his set with 3 sculpts, more than the fact that there are 2 Han colors to choose from
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I have to say that the new pictures are a let down for me. The proto types on display at Comic-con and what I have seen of their latest heads (capt Rex/Padawan Obi Wan, Darth Malgus, unhelmeted Vader etc) were looking really good in terms of skin texture, eye applications and these seem a HUGE step backwards to me. First Plisken and now these, this is not a good trend for them... they were steadily increasing with each release in terms of skin texture/detail, paint application and eye details but these seem lifeless and dead in comparison.

I have to say this sucks because Hoth Han was one of my most iconic wants from the series and even Hot Toy's Han is not that exciting to me. With the new film pending you would think the quality would be going up but instead I feel like they are in a rush to get things out (although that has nothing to do with the lack-luster Plisken release)

Agreed about the paint and lifeless expression, but I'd say the likeness and skin texture look pretty good from the new pics we've seen. Those are definitely a step up from what Sideshow has done in the past.
The Bespin Luke is too tall by a greater margin than the Han figure may be too short. We'll have to see what Sideshow has done with their Luke(s).
But that means ht made the mistake which is unacceptable so it must be Han is too short not Luke is too tall.:monkey3
But that means ht made the mistake which is unacceptable so it must be Han is too short not Luke is too tall.:monkey3

Your troll powers will not work here boy. There's never been any doubt that HT Bespn Luke is too tall, which makes the towering height of the SSC Vaders (and from the looks of it HT Vader) even more ridiculous.
I don't see Han Solo in the new pictures. Without seeing the hair, the sculpt is a total miss IMO. Cancelling. :(
PopCultKid, I agree with virtually everything you said. However, I already have the Tauntaun in my possession. I have Hoth Luke and Han coming soon, all paid for. I could cancel Han as a statement of protest, or I could fix the problems myself. I choose to do the latter, except for the head sculpt- I just don't have the time to sculpt a proper head myself, but I'm sure someone else does. I have no doubt that we'll soon see custom Echo Base Han heads on offer here at the forum and elsewhere, if they don't already exist. Does it suck that I will have to pay extra for a quality likeness on top of the SS purchase price? Yes, it sucks. I'm not counting on HT to do any better though; they've already won the approval of thousands of collectors on what to my eye is a very poor Han likeness. The people who accept it call it 'slightly stylized'; I call it inaccurate, the same as the Sideshow Han. If HT ever makes a Hoth Han, I have no reason to think it will be any better than the current HT Han. They might not even make one.
I have confidence that some independent talent will produce a fine replacement head, and I'm willing to pay for it.
Or, I could solve the problem by displaying my SS Tauntaun with my beautiful, gorgeous, amazing Hoth Han Solo by HASBRO™

:bow:bow:bowHEIL HASBRO™:bow:bow:bow
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It really doesn't matter who makes what, someone will always like it, someone will always hate it and someone else will be indifferent. And someone in each of those camps will always change position, sometimes more than once, from prototype to release and beyond. This is the way it's always been and forever will be. This is the way of collecting.
The sculpt has great potential for paint, weathering, and general customization.

I think that in the hands of a skilled customizer, the SS Han Hoth could look absolutley "fabulossssssss."
PopCultKid, I agree with virtually everything you said. However, I already have the Tauntaun in my possession. I have Hoth Luke and Han coming soon, all paid for. I could cancel Han as a statement of protest, or I could fix the problems myself. I choose to do the latter, except for the head sculpt- I just don't have the time to sculpt a proper head myself, but I'm sure someone else does. I have no doubt that we'll soon see custom Echo Base Han heads on offer here at the forum and elsewhere, if they don't already exist. Does it suck that I will have to pay extra for a quality likeness on top of the SS purchase price? Yes, it sucks. I'm not counting on HT to do any better though; they've already won the approval of thousands of collectors on what to my eye is a very poor Han likeness. The people who accept it call it 'slightly stylized'; I call it inaccurate, the same as the Sideshow Han. If HT ever makes a Hoth Han, I have no reason to think it will be any better than the current HT Han. They might not even make one.
I have confidence that some independent talent will produce a fine replacement head, and I'm willing to pay for it.
Or, I could solve the problem by displaying my SS Tauntaun with my beautiful, gorgeous, amazing Hoth Han Solo by HASBRO™

Yup, like I said, I'm not looking to begin the protest with the Hoth line, but bit by bit it's getting easier for the future (that goes for HT too; that's another story entirely). Overall I really like everything else about the set (except the height; they should start using long foot pegs for certain characters like HT does), and I'm sure I'll live with the eyes once this is in hand, but I'll welcome mods or upgrades with open arms. Hopefully one of the great talents of the board will figure out a way to improve the eye situation. Either way, IMO Para & Stealth's pics show that this is a overall good looking piece, and I'm sure that it'll have the right charm in hand to get past the eyes (they both seem to be won over so I'm sure many of us will feel the same).

And what I meant by comparing SSC to HT dollar for dollar was in what HT does right, of course; not in what they do wrong. I do think that paint, eyes and realism aside, this is a better Ford likeness than HT's. I also thing that their old Obi-Wan with a good repaint is better than HT's too. What I meant is when you compare what you get in a HT box in the $200-$240 range with X-Wing Luke, it really makes you think...

And I wasn't even thinking about everything else when I compared Luke to Obi-Wan dollar for dollar. When you do an apple to apple comparison of HT's WHOLE SW line-up to X-Wing Luke.... it's hard to make sense of s__t. Is this not the same "expensive license"? Why is HT seemingly able to edge them out?
Does anyone read these long winded rants about how bad this figure is and x collector is cancelling?

No one gives a ****
Does anyone read these long winded rants about how bad this figure is and x collector is cancelling?

No one gives a ****

I read them. I enjoy them. Much like I enjoy the long-winded praise posts about how great "X" figure is and how it will never be topped... and then see the same poster selling it in the For Sale section about three months later because the next "big thing" has arrived.