Sideshow Hoth Han Solo (Echo Base)

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Can you prove the sky isn't falling?

I can prove that the photos are distorted because Sideshow says this is what we're getting:


And they wouldn't lie now...would they?

For a start they wouldn't have re-sculpted the hair, so we know the bouffant appearance on Geek Tyrant is down to some strange elongation in camera. If the hair is elongated, then so is everything else in the face.

Sideshow have a curious knack of giving freebies to people who will make their figures look as bad as possible.
Look how narrow (and tall) the rank badge appears in the Geek Tyrant photo:


And how proportionally wider it should appear:


If this is the quality I'm gonna receive in hand, then Han and Luke will be my last SSC human figures.
(well, they were going to be my last anyway as I never coinsidered paying the price they're asking for that barebone X-Wing Luke)
Look how narrow (and tall) the rank badge appears in the Geek Tyrant photo:


And how proportionally wider it should appear:
You can dismiss all the lens distortion in the world. Look through that and see the mannequin eyes crudely stuck into a doll head. For nearly 1/4 of a grand? C'mon, surely none can defend this?
Oh goodness....those pictures...:lol

Who takes that picture and thinks they are doing anyone any favors? No one should be crapped on for wanting to have fun with their dolls or share their enthusiasm, but my gawd, THOSE PICTURES :google
This is what disturbs me: When the figure first went up for PO, this photo was in the gallery.
(I cropped it and raised the brightness to remove the dark shadows, but made no other changes.)
This head looks very good, no problem with the eyes here... So: what does this mean? Did Sideshow tweak it
because it didn't quite look crappy enough?.. If the head looked like this photo, I would have no complaint.
One unfortunate situation that these pictures do highlight, is the complete lack of quality control consistency with the eyes. Mark/Stealths eyes are much neater than Para/Jason's and these. Crazy that it's pot luck what you get. It's the eyes for gawds sake, not some issue with a secondary accessory or what not.

And never ever thought I'd say this.. Brown coat looks better.
No? The blue looks strangely over saturated. That could be the pics I guess.

That can go both ways. Too pale and it looks faded. To bright and it looks garish.

My gold standard is somewhere between on screen and Kenner. So far, I've seen it fall all over that spectrum, and beyond. If I have to choose one evil over the other, I'll take excess saturation.

On the other hand, the brown does nothing for me. Still a far cry from the on screen hue.
I have a feeling the brown one dyed might look pretty accurate.

Or maybe darken this one a bit. Too early to tell I guess.