Sideshow Hoth Han Solo (Echo Base)

Collector Freaks Forum

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Han and Luke will not be over $200. I doubt they'll be more than the bounty hunters.

If they are, then they will push me out of collecting. I had a hard enough time saying no to Vader at $250. The Hoth scene is something I want, but if Han and Luke are going to set me back $400-$500 the. Its a pass... Which means no TaunTaun or Probe Droid.
i really hope they don't go too far with their pricing of the hoth set pieces, but that being said, i'm buying the luke, han, and taun taun no matter what.
More speculative pricing BS. It's you guys who are driving up the prices in this hobby everytime you start speculating what prices will be before it is announced.
Lol, I love the 'speculating about price on a forum increase the costs of the figure' arguments. Personally I find it very difficult to believe.
Lol, I love the 'speculating about price on a forum increase the costs of the figure' arguments. Personally I find it very difficult to believe.

Pricing isn't just derived from cost + % profit, perceived value also comes into the maths, so if a product costs 100 they allow 20% profit making it $120. If the surveys suggests the perceived value is $200, they will charge$ 180 and the customer still perceives a bargain. Scary but true
Lol, I love the 'speculating about price on a forum increase the costs of the figure' arguments. Personally I find it very difficult to believe.

these really should be $1,000 apiece.....:banana

go ahead, blame me.........:lol
Pricing isn't just derived from cost + % profit, perceived value also comes into the maths, so if a product costs 100 they allow 20% profit making it $120. If the surveys suggests the perceived value is $200, they will charge$ 180 and the customer still perceives a bargain. Scary but true
Yep, that makes sense to me (i.e., they take time to determine what the perceived value is and jack the price up if they think that the benefit outweighs the cost of the collectors they'll price out). I just find it unlikely that they would get that information here ad hoc, from people speculating (except insomuch as it confirms what the data is already telling them). In almost every thread where price comes up, someone will speculate high and at least one and in many cases more people will post that x $ amount will price them out of the hobby. I just don't think that they'd base pricing off idle speculation on internet chat forums. It's an interesting business, though, since so much is based off of perceived value. Really wish we did have more insight into the real costs and how pricing is set on these figures.

these really should be $1,000 apiece.....:banana

go ahead, blame me.........:lol
I will pay no less than $10,000.00, son! :chase
Yep, that makes sense to me (i.e., they take time to determine what the perceived value is and jack the price up if they think that the benefit outweighs the cost of the collectors they'll price out). I just find it unlikely that they would get that information here ad hoc, from people speculating (except insomuch as it confirms what the data is already telling them). In almost every thread where price comes up, someone will speculate high and at least one and in many cases more people will post that x $ amount will price them out of the hobby. I just don't think that they'd base pricing off idle speculation on internet chat forums. It's an interesting business, though, since so much is based off of perceived value. Really wish we did have more insight into the real costs and how pricing is set on these figures.

I will pay no less than $10,000.00, son! :chase

I doubt the freaks forum would be the sole source, but if I worked for a big company (cough) I would use any data available and would be used to relate other data received
Han vs. Christian Bale... depends whether modern bat-armour is laser-proofed!

Doesn't matter if Bale's armor is laser proof. Han would just shoot him in the face.
