Sideshow Hoth Han Solo (Echo Base)

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I don't expect PO on these Hoth figures until at least January/February 2014 - likely after Vader (and others) ship.
I don't expect PO on these Hoth figures until at least January/February 2014 - likely after Vader (and others) ship.

I'm thinking the same. I wonder what order they're going to PO these guys. Luke first? Then Han? Or will they PO together? Then the tauntaun? Finally the probe droid? And how far apart these will be spread out?

How far apart were ANH Luke and Han POed? Anyone remember?
The ANH figures were far apart, but they were also previewed and shown far apart from one another. Generally when figures are previewed together like this they tend to go up at around the same time. And since Sideshow is wanting people to buy the figures and TaunTaun together I assume all 3 will go up at approximately (if not exactly) the same time.
Oh, we're they? I didn't get into this game til after they were PO'd but before they shipped.

Actually I can see them holding off on the tauntauns for a bit, like they held off on the dewback and Yoda's hut. The tauntauns are significant and expensive pieces, so I think Sideshow may want to space those out a bit so as to not overwhelm us wither everything at once. Not to mention that they may also ship at the same time, which will mean lots of cancellations from people who can't affor a bill of probably $750 for the two figures and the beast.

It would be nice to get everything at the same time, but if it means staggering my spending over a few months, ill gladly wait. One thing I would not want is to get the tauntauns way in advance and then wait months til Luke or Han show up!
Yep, agreed, Lu. Really don't see SSC releasing Luke, Han and Tauntaun all together (even on flex, that's quite a commitment for a lot of collectors). Maybe they'll see how many Hoth Luke/Hans they sell over a certain period, so that they can gauge the likely market for Tauntauns. Dewback had what seemed like a pretty reasonable edition size, is an iconic beast and is still in stock long after the Sandtroopers have sold out. Don't imagine they want to repeat that with the Tauntaun.
Oh, we're they? I didn't get into this game til after they were PO'd but before they shipped.

Actually I can see them holding off on the tauntauns for a bit, like they held off on the dewback and Yoda's hut. The tauntauns are significant and expensive pieces, so I think Sideshow may want to space those out a bit so as to not overwhelm us wither everything at once. Not to mention that they may also ship at the same time, which will mean lots of cancellations from people who can't affor a bill of probably $750 for the two figures and the beast.

It would be nice to get everything at the same time, but if it means staggering my spending over a few months, ill gladly wait. One thing I would not want is to get the tauntauns way in advance and then wait months til Luke or Han show up!

Dewback and the last Sandtrooper were released at essentially the same time; same for snowtroopers and the E-Web Cannon. These are pieces that are meant to go together, so even though it's a large piece of money at once they want people to buy all 3 rather than have left overs of one item.

So my prediction is all 3 up at the same time and shipping at relatively the same time.

Hopefully there's more to Yoda than first pic hysteria.

There always is... chicken little syndrome is still alive and well :lol
Dewback and the last Sandtrooper were released at essentially the same time; same for snowtroopers and the E-Web Cannon. These are pieces that are meant to go together, so even though it's a large piece of money at once they want people to buy all 3 rather than have left overs of one item.

So my prediction is all 3 up at the same time and shipping at relatively the same time...
But wouldn't releasing all three at the same time increase the chance of having leftover Tauntauns (a la Dewback)? They have no idea what the base of Luke/Han sales will be to estimate demand of the Tauntauns, it seems to me.
Wasn't the e-web cannon released a little after, like maybe a month later? And the Dewback being released at the same time as the last sandtrooper sounds pretty good to me, since there was a very long time between them and the previous two (three?) sandtroopers. Wasn't that like a year or more between when the original sandie came out and the dewback?

If they're spaced out at least a month apart, that would work for everyone, I think. Not too close and not too long.
Han and Luke will each cost 2x the price of a Sandtrooper or 1.5x the price of a Snowtrooper, the Tauntaun about 1.5x the price of a Dewback or 3x the price of the e-web. I don't think it matters when those other items were released, in what order or how far apart. Neither Luke or Han will sell out before they ship and the Tauntaun will be available for a long long time after it ships - even if they're all "limited" releases.

If you want all 3, make sure you budget at least $800-900 to be safe. :panic: