Sideshow Hoth Han Solo (Echo Base)

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Wait, so Vallejo got the coat colour right but was off on nearly every other detail? Including the colour of the pants and gloves, the shape of the gun, the fact Solo is right handed and wears a holster?
Yeah, I love Boris' work, but it's a complete fantasy interpretation of everything..
And that was promotional work not actual production art and it was after the movie?
Not really relevant, but still very cool to look at.

As far as the colour of the jacket goes. I'm sticking with my theory. It was a bad dye job. If you dye a cold colour over a warm colour (like blue over brown) the colour underneath shows through at times depending on the environmental light. Solo's coat was intentionally BLUE to separate him from the other troops and to match his colours for the rest of the movie. The brown prop coat? The dye has just faded over the years..

So I suppose everyone is right, but the intention was blue..
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Has anyone seen photos of Trevor's unpainted sculpt for the echo base head yet? I did email him but haven't heard back. He normally shows pics of the sculpts once Sideshow have revealed the figures. I'd love to see the unpainted sculpt and I bet it's a perfect young Harrison Ford. Just hope Sideshow can get the paintjob (or preferably, intrinsic resin) done well to compliment the sculpt!
You can change Cassius Clay to Muhammad Ali but his name will always be Clay.

It started as blue. Ima say it's blue!

"Your mind powers will not work on me, boy."




I think I was right earlier, that the coat was brown on the maroon side of the scale, which would easily transfer to blue under certain conditions.
Its Boris Vallejo, he could have painted a unicorn in place of the Taun Taun and it still would have kicked ***. :lol