Sideshow Hoth Han Solo (Echo Base)

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I agree Misterscruff, I think you're right. That would actually make it easier to alter it myself if needed.

The only thing about this entire figure (and Luke) that REALLY bothers me are the gauntlets.
The light gray forearm sections look like plastic tubes with sculpted wrinkles, because... they are.
They don't look like they are integral sewn-on parts of the gloves at all, and they don't flare out away from the wrist.
If I do any mod at all, it'll be sewing real suede-like fabric pieces (very thin) to attach directly to the gloves.
I will cut very shallow depressions into the proximal ends of the hands, so that the fabric 'forearm sections' can be glued into place
and be flush with the 'hand sections', instead of overlapping them. This will give the illusion that the flared parts are sewn directly onto the hand sections at the wrist, and it will allow realistic wrist flexibility. Then I will add the wrist-com units, of course.
Look at the comparison below... is anyone else bothered by this? I have the Hasbro 12" tauntaun & Solo, and these gauntlets aren't much better. For the sake of authenticity and wrist mobility, I really want the gloves to look like they are real.

You're absolutely right!

Hold off on buying that suede-like material, though. Regarding the recently-released Darth Vader, Sideshow's promotional pics were QUITE different from the release version. Considering the rate at which Sideshow has been moving up in quality, I wouldn't be at all surprised if they make a change similar to that before the figure hits the streets.
It's a surprise they didn't choose the same technique they used with Dx vader for these gloves. It would have worked perfectly.
The limited mobility of Vader's gloves doesn't bother me, but it really does in the case of Han & Luke. The black plastic of Vader's gauntlets more closely resembles the black shiny material of his fabric costume. The Hoth gloves, however, don't look like suede and have very conspicuous seams at the wrists. I think this calls for a mod.
I'm actually not too bothered by that. I'm okay trading off the look with the added articulation this will bring.
That's part of the problem; Hard plastic gauntlets will actually limit mobility, not enhance it. When you flex the wrists, they will be rubbing against hard vinyl, until they reach a premature stopping point. Soft fabric gauntlet replacements will give much more freedom of movement to the wrists. I have several figures wearing gauntlets that are made in the same two-piece fashion from hard vinyl, and they all have very limited wrist movement.
I live in Hoth. Just a few weeks ago it was -48 windchill here, i can't not own these figures!

(if they turn out well)
No, not by sight. The shininess of Vader's black vinyl gloves lends itself much better to matching the rest of Vader's fabric costume than the vinyl Hoth gloves match the fabric Hoth costumes. Just like the 89' Keaton Batman's gloves did. Black on black fools the eye much easier.
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No, not by sight. The shininess of Vader's black vinyl gloves lends itself much better to matching the rest of Vader's fabric costume than the vinyl Hoth gloves match the fabric Hoth costumes. Just like the 89' Keaton Batman's gloves did. Black on black fools the eye much easier.

Han Solo has vinyl gloves?

Vinyl is mostly used for clubwear, fetish, gothic, rock and cyber clothing. It is popular in shiny black, red or blue, but can be found in almost all colors, mat or shiny, included metal colors such as gold and silver. It can also be stretch or not, thick or thin.

* This important information was brought to you by Ebay via Google.
Are these figures only to be passively consumed like so much pasta, or are we interested in the production process a little...?

Count me interested.

But many Freaks have a very low boredom threshold.

I prefer OSW. Only it's usually very quiet over there.
Are these figures only to be passively consumed like so much pasta, or are we interested in the production process a little...?
The discussion doesn't bug me at all, but given how much Vader changed from prototype to production, I'm sure there will be changes to both Luke and Han, as well. Even so, I'm pretty much happy with the figure as-is. The jacket seems to sit well with Han on the Tauntaun and I'd never have him posed with his back to me or in such a way that the jacket vent would be visible, so I'm not concerned. In regards to the gloves, I see what you mean, but doubt from a normal viewing distance I would notice it. Still, if Sideshow makes note of your and others impressions and it results in a more accurate or subtlety styled figure, I have no complaints.
As long as Luke doesn't come with a fat, goofy lightsaber like Vader's, I'm eating pasta til I puke.

EDIT: just checked the product page...god damn it....
Begging pardon. I'm sure this was answered or discussed somewhere earlier , but I can't find. Am I to understand that each figure comes with 2 heads ? One with hair and one with headgear molded onto it ? They look good, but non-removeable headgear is one of my pet peeves