Sideshow Hoth Han Solo (Echo Base)

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Dammit. The protos looked phenomenal too. The rep at the time (last year's SDCC) said it was because of the new eye system they were going to start using.

Doll dots have been gone for a while now... but this new eye system has been hit & miss, mostly miss.

Once I did a direct comparison with 2 in hand Master Yoda figures and noticed the difference in placement of pupils.

One looks like his left eye was almost half closed.:lol
Yikes. I haven't bought any Sideshow figures in a while, but those eyes do look really bad. Almost makes me miss the glazed over/stoned out of their mind look their figures used to have. Lol
Cancelled my preorders of both Han & Luke. I am not convinced that the final product will be worth a damn. Fingers crossed but I will wait for in hand pics before I pull the trigger.

I can't stand this new system of separated hair and eyes. Makes the figure look so cheap it's a Hasbro joke.

Please, please , please HT do some great SW figures so we can put these dashed dreams to rest!
Is this a brown coat or a blue coat?


So Han's new duds are his old duds?
I'm cool with that.

Me no wanting no power rangers version of Staz Was.

Love the BLUE ice coat.
I have mixed feeling about what's been leaked 'til now. Also, glad i don't mind spoilers either as most of the sites i visit don't seem to care much about spoiler free audiences.
Still at the coat color debate? Damn.

That coat is covered in Midichlorians, you can't tell what color it was originally.

So I'm deliberating… I've not read a single bit of leaked info about the new movie. Should I? I did it with TPM from 97 until release and was extremely disappointed in the film, but I'm pretty confident it wasn't because of the leaks. ;)

So far I've read this: and their bit about Stormtroopers - and it all sounds like complete garbage. Hopefully it's all wrong, because it's very uninspired dreck.
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