Statue Sideshow Hulk vs Wolverine Dio - 1/5 Scale

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Same here. 2500 is pretty excessive in my opinion. So the regular will have 4000?.. This piece does look great but with a $650 (plus shipping) price tag and a high ES, you won't have any trouble getting this for under retail any time soon.

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Wow. That's a much bigger ES than I was expecting. I was thinking 500 to 1000 for the EX then they could make however many thousand of the regular one that they want.
WOW, that wasn't expected. guess I won't have to order this till way after shipping and see in hand pics. Seems to be the way things are going nowadays
That ES size was kinda disappointing but like many have said it's all about the quality control. It will be one to remember though simply because it's Wolverine vs Hulk. Thie price will keep this from selling out so quick
Just a question. Why are some of you guys disappointed in the ES? Resale value?

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Not just the fact that it won't gain value - it's more about the fact that it won't keep its vaue.
Wow. Just wow.
I'm cancelling my order. That edition size is too big. My threshhold was 2,499 es.
2500, that's the straw that breaks the camel's back.
1500 for the EX is understandable, but not this. The sculpt isn't so appealing to Mr. Green anyway. They need Pablo Viaggino to sculpt more Hulks.
Just saying that it isn't what it used to be, and sideshow could care less about value, as we know they have to make more to gain more for them, so hence the high number. I'm keeping my po.
Quantity dictates how nice the piece is not the quality. This site should change to, and instead of calling yourself as collector.... Investor is more appropriate.