I just wanna know if the joints are loose or solid. I usually dont buy sideshow products, because of the garbage bodies they use
They fixed that issue with Luke and Obi.
I just wanna know if the joints are loose or solid. I usually dont buy sideshow products, because of the garbage bodies they use
They fixed that issue with Luke and Obi.
I just wanna know if the joints are loose or solid. I usually dont buy sideshow products, because of the garbage bodies they use
Alphonso Tullock
Conversation Starter ? 3 hrs
This is my 1st Sideshow figure and I have to say it's pretty good. The only issue is the body they used seems a bit flimsy. Besides that, I'm pleased with the details in the weapons and the outfit.
Yeah, I was kind of psyched for this release (and just catching up on this thread) but the helmet doesn't seem quite as spot-on as I remembered the proto being, even if I still like the overall proportions. The cheeks shape doesn't quite look right and SSC always seems to sculpt a hard edge/line into the upper back area of the cheeks (same with their ESB Boba) even though there isn't supposed to be one - on any Fett helmet.
And that molded gap just above the brow is unfortunate - no easy fix for that. Though I guess you could argue this is an EU Fett so the helmet doesn't necessarily need to be a 100% match to ESB or ROTJ.
The hands seem a touch undersized (man, what is it with companies struggling with Fett's hands, even HT?,) and the poses a bit funky on a couple I saw, but again - not enough pics/vids yet to judge fully.
That being said, it looks awesome overall so far even though there hasn't been enough pics to really definitely judge the fig. Definitely still looks like a fittingly strong ending/final fig for SSC SW 1/6.
Hey Chris, I didn't try removing it but it should be possible. Maybe some CA Remover/solvent or if worse comes to worse and it all doesn't come off: a scalpel, some sanding and paint. It felt like they applied generous amounts of adhesive as the fabric in that area is brittle and hard. I believe the kama/kilt piece is just like a belt. I saw a snap/clasp in the front.
This is the best representation of a 1/6 Fett bucket IMO. One small nitpick on the helmet is the slight gap that goes around the top; as if the green "cap" part - above the range finder and mask area is a bit small in diameter, leaving a tiny ledge around the whole helmet where it should be flush. Something that could be easily puttied but then would require a repaint if one chose to go that far.
The body proportions underneath are more realistic than the puffier/buff fett's that we've gotten before, with the tailoring to match, and the hands are very well done - a bit smaller, but more in proportion imo.
This would look amazing as any modded Fett replacement, but then there's the work.
I'm sure with your skills you will be able to make it work.
Yeah, I was kind of psyched for this release (and just catching up on this thread) but the helmet doesn't seem quite as spot-on as I remembered the proto being, even if I still like the overall proportions. The cheeks shape doesn't quite look right and SSC always seems to sculpt a hard edge/line into the upper back area of the cheeks (same with their ESB Boba) even though there isn't supposed to be one - on any Fett helmet.
Final SSC SW figure? Where did you read that? That's surprising to me and the first I heard of this?!![]()
This figure opened for PO about 16+ months ago and there's been no other word on another 1/6th SW figure. Lando in Disguise was teased and slowly swept under the rug. I'm pretty sure everybody sees the writing on the wall...
As much as SSC isn't Hot Toys, it'd be disappointing if they stopped making figures as they're likely the only chance we'd have at animated show characters like Ahsoka.
From a post on OSR:
new review video from SirJames
looks amazing
Hmmm the flimsy body is exactly what I was worried about when I was looking at the figure. I just finished payment for him today and expect to have him shipped tomorrow. I'm looking forward to this unique Fett but am definitely aware of the quality issues with SSC and won't hesitate to send him back if I find issues.
What forum is OSR? I've been trying to find reviews or other forums talking about this figure, but this forum and SirJames review on youtube are the only ones I can find.
Man, Sideshow should really hire this guy for their figure videos, as he actually knows how to talk about and pose a figure properly! In fact seeing some of his poses really makes me tempted for the first time to pick this up.
I was already considering a ROTJ Fett to go with my ESB Fett, but was worried they might be a little too similar. But this one has all of those ROTJ elements I like but is also different enough to really stand out.