1/6 Sideshow Mythos Obi Wan 1/6 Desert Figure

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Dag nabbit! I was hoping to get some shots of this f outside when I'm out west in December. Big 'ole bummer this delay is.
I swear they're going to delay this again until May - July 2019, which is a year from when it was initially supposed to be released in Q2 2018. In general, does Sideshow ever make improvements to their delayed figures, or is it just because they have a huge backlog and push whatever's most relevant first?
Nah, I was just predicting they'll delay it again. I imagine he and Boba will end up coming out around the same time. I think Boba is supposed to be later in 2019, right? I want this figure now =P
Indeed...I wish it hadn't been delayed in the first place. Heading out west to my favorite spots to grab some shots and would have really enjoyed getting this figure out there. Maybe next year.
Maybe with the delay the head won't suck. Maybe.

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Maybe with the delay the head won't suck. Maybe.

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I'll be happy even if it's at least consistent with the head that they had on at SDCC. I'm just hoping it doesn't dip below that lol. I wonder how many people are gonna kitbash this and the ep3 HT Obi. The tunics on this seem to fit better than the Ep3 Obi tunic atm. The Ep3 one seems really puffy for some reason, which is weird since Anakin turned out pretty great IMO.

Looks like all the pictures have been updated.
Seems on par with Sideshow's paint work. I dunno - weathering is almost gone. Paint on face is the usual ssc level. HT price but with SS quality = may have to pass
Prototype on left, production on right. Face in the proto looked so nice.... Oh sideshow, "And that is why you fail..."

Mythos Obi-Wan Kenobi proto vs prod.jpg
I was never going to use that head anyway. I have the one from Caine that favors ewan.

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